Chapter 3 -BadassReads prompt

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With most of the morning spent on his phone, Roth was forming a possible theory for the text message. When his landline rang, he stared, puzzled. It had been cut off for delinquent payment. He picked it up and listened without speaking.

"I know you're there, Roth. I know all about you. You thought you were so smart, getting it all buried, but I know where it is, and I'm going to expose the whole story - and I'm going to fix you along with it."

"You got a beef, come and face me with it."

"Not a chance. This will be done my way."

"I don't have time for this crap, say goodbye, Whacko."

"Not goodbye, Roth. See you soon - you and your nurse friend."

Roth barked a warning, but it was into a dead phone. He pressed the button but there was no signal. How the hell had he done that? A moment later he called one of his private numbers on his cell and asked for a favour.



"Hey, Aud, what's up?

"I- I wanted to see if you were okay after the other night. You haven't called."

"Been busy. We're good, no sweat. How about you, workin' hard?"

"That's the other reason I called. A man came into emergency in critical condition, and before he died, all he said was - Roth."

"What! Do you know who he was?"

"His name is Aurel Carver."

Nick hesitated. "Did he come in alone? Anyone with him?"

"Just the paramedics. They picked him up from the scene."

"What scene? Where?"

"Did you know him, Nick?"

"What scene, Audrey?"


Roth pulled behind the patrol car and watched the two cops watching him from behind the police tape. He listened on his phone, jotting down information bits on a worn notepad.

"Thanks, Maurey, I owe you one."

"Another one."

"Right. Talk soon." He got out of the car and approached the police.

"Nothing for you here, fella." One said, thumbs in belt.

"Oh, ho! If it isn't Mr. Badass Roth." The taller of the two laughed.

"Hello, Brewster. Still in uniform, eh? One of your detectives around?"

"Who the hell wants to know?" Thumbs in belt snarled.

"It's okay, Larry. Mr. Roth here has a special place in our hearts. Mike Davenport is lead. He's inside," Brewster said lifting the tape.


"What's your interest anyway?" Detective Davenport stood with arms folded, watching the forensic team.

Roth explained about Audrey and Aurel's last word. He glossed over how he knew him and listened as Davenport described the wounds and the weapon.

"Who uses a spear for Christ's sake?"

"No prints or other clues I imagine." Nick said.

"Nada. Just a ton of paperwork."

"Thanks Detective."

"Hey, you keep me informed, Roth. I know your rep."

"Sure thing."


The information Maurey provided on the phone call led Nick to a run-down apartment block, and a rental unit that showed a few signs of recent occupancy. Nick tossed the whole apartment, and finally, on the inside of a closet sliding door, he found a note with a name scrawled - Edward Hemming, CID, and a black and white headshot.

He didn't remember the name, but he knew the face. It was one of the escort team. There was an address on the back of the photo, and he found it on a Google map.

An unassuming bungalow on a street full of like houses was Hemming's address. Nick knocked on the door and was opened by a tired looking woman with a small child on her hip. He introduced himself, and learned about the death of Edward in a hit-and-run a month ago. He also learned that another team member, Devon Willis, had been by and left his number.

It turned out Devon had been a victim of carbon monoxide poisoning the previous week. Nick's theory was solidifying. There was only CID Bateman and himself remaining, and for some reason, he believed, Bateman was eliminating the whole team from all those years ago.


More of Maurey's research divulged Bateman's whereabouts, and after some detective work of his own, Nick tracked him to a popular downtown club.

"Buy a sailor a drink?" Nick said, sliding into the booth across from Bateman.

"Who the hell . . . I know you . . ."

"I bet you do."

"You were the one that-"

"Yeah, we know the story. I'm here for yours."

"What story of mine?"

"Can it, Bateman. You know exactly what story. Carver. Hemmings. Willis."

"What about them. Christ, I haven't seen them for years."

"Don't bullshit me, I'll jam that drink right down your neck. What's your sick game?"

Bateman pulled back, one hand slipping into his jacket. Nick lunged across the table, grabbing his hand, and with the other, Bateman's throat.

"Auffgh! Are you crazy? It's my asthma inhaler!"

Nick flopped back in the booth, watching Bateman suck in from the inhaler. His blood pumping in his ears. Was he wrong? Was Bateman the wrong man? As he watched, he saw the odd look come over Bateman's face. His eyes went wide and his hand flew to his throat before he hit the table face first.

Nick knew right away his old boss was dead. He looked around to see who might be watching, and started sliding out of the booth when he saw the camera over the bar.

"Shit!" He left as fast as possible and headed straight for Audrey's.


"And all that is what you couldn't tell me before?"

"It was all classified years ago. I'm sorry, Babe."

"So now what?" Audrey stretched her legs across his lap.

"A new theory, and fast before they find me on that camera."

Audrey's phone rang and she answered, silently handing it to Nick.

"Well, Roth, now what are you going to do? Once they see you manhandling Bateman, you'll look very good for all the others."

"I'll find you. Make book, you bastard."

"Sure you will. Happy prison life, Roth - and give the luscious Audrey my love."

To be continued next chapter

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