Chapter 5 - MysteryThrillerIN

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Roland Pancrest handed Nick a file folder then sat behind his massive desk.

"How's the wound?"

"An occasional twinge."


"I can do my job, Roland.

"Our client is important, so this is very sensitive. His teenage son, has accompanied him and needs to continue his studies, so he will be attending the Burston library while they are here. You are his babysitter. And don't say a word, that's his father in the hallway."

"A kid?"

"A client, Roth. We have arranged a position for you in the library to make it easier to watch the boy without making him uncomfortable."


"Stacking shelves."

"Terrific." Nick left, nodding to the red-headed father watching him.


Nick paced the room, mumbling profanities.

"Didn't Pancrest know?" Audrey dipped Tostitos and crunched.

"No, and they've gone to their meeting in Bern. Jesus, Audrey, they've had two killings in the library this month!"

"What about the police?"

"Why do you think I'm wearing glasses and this friggin' moustache. They're all over the place."

"Why don't they shut it down?"

"Too many people with too much money blocking the way. It's an institution, they say - goddamn bureaucrats."

"Can't you catch the killer then . . . beats stacking shelves."

His look was incredulous.


"Margaret, these are copies of the notes the killer left?"

"Yes. They refer to books he said he read, see."

Nick glanced at the titles, scratching his fake moustache. For two weeks nothing had happened at the library or with his hunt for Kurtz. The Pancrest group had returned from Bern, and Nick was still baby-sitting. He pushed his book cart among the shelves, and at the end of one row, he saw a man turn and leave the aisle. Nick followed and saw him writing something. He moved quickly back to circle around and cut him off.

When Nick rounded the rack, he discovered his prey sprawled on the floor, blood dripping from the small spear in his throat. He ran straight for the entrance, shouting to Margaret to call the police. He saw nothing. No sign of anyone fleeing. Margaret showed Nick the two notes she found and copied. One referred to the publication - Undersea Warfare.

The police were very interested in Nick.


"I'm telling you, Audrey, it's no friggin' coincidence. The cops have their crazy theory that the victim was the Book Killer - who killed him? Me! That's what they think!"

"What did they do?"

"The usual, but without proof. Of course the fake moustache didn't help my cause."

"You should tell them everything, Nick."

"Not a chance. This sucker is mine. It's Kurtz - I can feel it in my bones. All the book references were about the navy. That's not a coincidence."

"Those phone calls, you think he's tracking you somehow?"

"I think he's always known where I was. It's some kind of sick game, and I'm the prize."


A few days passed and nothing new occurred, and as Nick grew angrier, racking his brain, Audrey applied her nursing experience, getting him to focus on a good meal and a good night's sleep.

Something woke him with a jerk, and he sat up trying to focus on what he had dreamt. Red hair! Jumping out of bed, he ran to the living room and the crate of files.

"Nick, it's the middle of the night! What are you doing?" Audrey's sleepy voice followed him.

"I know who's doing the killings! It wasn't Kurtz." He hurried back to the bedroom, flipping on the light.

She covered her eyes.

"Here, that's the guy who contacted the sub I blew up. He's the father of the kid I'm baby-sitting."


The boy answered Nick's questions without fuss or suspicion. He figured the old guy was just bored with having to watch over him. His dad had come over early for business, then came back, and they both returned together.

Nick knew what the business was. He couldn't let another innocent person die, but he couldn't accuse him without proof . Innocent person? The victims were all connected to the navy somehow. A quick check with Margaret gave him a list of cardholders; immediately he was on the phone to Maurey.


The woman was ex US Coast Guard, Maurey confirmed, and she was at the library now. From a position on the balcony, Nick covered most of the main floor, but as time dragged he began to cramp uncomfortably. When he saw the woman leave, he swore under his breath, and just as he began to get up, he heard the soft scrape behind him, turning barely in time to avoid the thrust of a small spear.

"Kurtz!" Nick was stunned.

The attacker momentarily lost the advantage hearing his name, and they struggled to their feet, twisting and stumbling. Nick pulled the spear toward him, at the same time lifting a knee into Kurtz' groin. The man staggered back.

"You bastard - you cost me my career," Kurtz moaned, clutching himself.

He lunged, and Nick dodged the next thrust, using the man's momentum to send him in a half run toward the balcony rail. The scream died with the crash of Kurtz' body hitting the reading table, across from Nick's ward. 


CID officers had Nick under surveillance the moment his face first hit the news, and closeted him for a debriefing and the signing of an NDA regarding the events aboard the USS Spearhead. The police revised their theory of the killer after Margaret's statement and Nick's CID rehearsed story.

"The buggers might have helped," he complained. Audrey refilled their drinks, listening to his rant.

"So what's in store for Nick Roth now?" Her look was sympathetic.

"Court appearances, trials, more interviews, whatever. I thought for sure it was the kid's father - it just made sense."

"Will Pancrest have you back?"

"Unlikely. I'll find something.

"With such a sterling résumé." She laughed, and kissed his cheek.

"I can still stack shelves." He put his glass down, reaching for her. His phone buzzed.


"Mom . . ." His look was pained.

"I just heard. Always in trouble aren't you?"


"Don't mom me, Nicholas. There was another call from that Pancrest place - and a call from some Margaret woman. Who is-"

Sigh. "Love you too, mom. Bye."

To be completed next chapter

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