clyde x kyle smut

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Kyle's POV KyleLovesHim requested this

I walked away from stan with tears falling from my eyes, we had a argument because him, kenny, and cartman have been avoiding me all week.

Apparently he thinks I have feelings for him and wants me away from him, the others are avoiding me for some unknown reasons. Cartman is probably avoiding me because he found out I was gay, I don't know why kenny is. It can't be the same reason as cartman because he is pansexual.

I walked to starks pond, still crying and sitting down next to the pond. I sighed and went on my phone, seeing a text from clyde. I felt my face heat up as I opened the massage

(italic is kyle and bold is clyde)

Hey kyle, do you wanna go to a restaurant with me?

Uh, sure. Let me get ready, pick me up at 4:00

Got it

I felt my heart skip a beat, he wanted to take me to a restaurant!? Should I ask him out?? You know what! Yeah! I'm gonna ask him out!

I walked to my home with a smile and went to my room. not even greeting my mom, which seemed to anger her.

Opening my closet, I picked the best outfit I could find. A blue flannel and black jeans with my favorite converse and put it on. I decided not to wear my hat, which was a very rare occurrence.

I said bye to my mom and walked out, ignoring her when she asked where I was going. I definitely didn't want her to know I was gay!!

I waited outside for 5 minutes until clyde picked me up "hey clyde!" I yelled in a happy tone, he waved and smiled before unlocking the car door. I opened the door and climbed in "where do you wanna go?" Clyde asked "uhm, how about that one restaurant where we used to play superheroes as kids?" I suggested while looking at him "alright" he started up the car and started driving.

I was nervous the whole time, how do I tell him about my feelings for him!? He must have noticed me stressing because he gave me a confused look, I smiled at him to lower his suspicion "alright kyle, were here" he got out and helped me out of the car.

We walked in and sat down, reading our menus. Soon after, the waiter came up to us "may I take your order?" He asked "I'll have the seasoned pasta" I ordered "I'll also have seasoned pasta" he repeated.

I looked at him as the tension between us became awkward "hey clyde, I need to tell you something.." I blushed "uh yeah, what is it" he started sweating "I think I l-like you" I stuttered out. He gave a shocked face and smiled "I feel the same" he grabbed my hand.

I felt butterflies as I held his hand, seeing him smirk "how about after this we head over to starks pond together?" He winked, I knew what he meant by that. I honestly wanted that too "fine by me" I laughed.

The waiter came back holding our food and gave it us, walking away right after. We ate our pasta and walked out of the restaurant, getting in clyde's car. He started driving quickly, like I mean QUICKLY.

We soon arrived at starks pond and got out of the car, I felt him grab my waist and kiss me deeply. I wrapped my arms around his shoulders and kissed back, moaning into the kiss as he added tongue.

He pulled away for breath and looked into my eyes. we stayed there for a minute, admiring each others beauty.

After a few minutes that felt like a few seconds, he pinned me on the ground and started leaving hickeys and love bites all over my neck and collar bones "c-clyde~!" I moaned fairly loud.

He stopped and started stroking my thighs softly, I blushed at the contact and looked away. He then grabbed my chin to make me look at him "you have a pretty face, I want to see it" he chuckled. I felt my boner grow larger as he said that, he seemed to notice as he looked down and smirked "seems like someone's excited" he palmed me through my pants "hm~!" I bit my lip and moaned.

I felt him unbutton my pants and pull them down slowly, soon doing the same to my jacket. Leaving me in just my boxers. But they weren't on for long either, he pulled them off and looked me up and down, biting his lip "take your clothes off too, it's not fair" I flashed him a angry look.

He laughed and took all of his clothes off as well, my eyes widened as I saw him. He looked way different than I imagined, he caught me staring and said "like what you see?" I blushed in embarrassment and looked away from his unclothed body. He forcefully shoved 3 fingers in my mouth, indicating for me to suck them.

I yellped in surprise and started swirling my tongue around them until they were wet enough, he then took them out and slowly put all 3 in me at once "a-ah! Clyde~!!"

Blood trailed down my chin as I bit my lip again. He started moving them painfully slow to stretch me out, he pulled them out when I was stretched enough. I whined at the loss of contact, but that whine was replaced with a moan as I felt him enter me and start thrusting quickly.

I threw my head back and screamed in pleasure as he moved in and out at a pace never thought possible by any mortal

"AH~!! O-OH MY GOD~" I screamed out seeing him smirk devilishly. He continued moving as he kissed me with tongue "mmmh~!!" I moaned into the kiss as I felt him start stroking my dick at the same pace as he was thrusting into me.

He pulled away and kissed my neck repeatedly, making me moan even louder than I already was. He looked down at me and admired what he had created of me

"CLYDE~!!!" I felt myself cum into his hand "you think you can keep going until I finish?" He asked while still thrusting.

I nodded my head and he kept thrusting hard into me for about 14 more minutes and then came inside me.

He pulled out and started breathing heavily as he stood and helped me get my clothes on and than he put his own on "come on, I'll drop you off" he said while breathing heavily. I nodded and followed him to his car with shaking legs.

When we got there, I kissed him goodbye and went into my house

"hey mom" I tried to sound normal "why are you panting kyle?" She asked in a worried tone "I ran home" I made up a excuse and went to my room, falling asleep immediately.

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