Chapter Five

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Since y'all wanted me to continue this book, I will. Thank you for waiting. AND ALSOOOO I made an Instagram account for this book so I can keep y'all updated! Its  

Enjoy this chapter. :) Please vote and comment! (Its okay if you guys are too lazy HAHA)


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Kirsten's POV

     I woke up with the sound of my alarm. Stupid piece of metal! I thought. I grab my phone and I checked the time which is 5:30 AM. I don't get it why students have to get up that early. I swear, can I sue them for making us wake up that early? Knowing that it was a stupid idea, I went to the bathroom to take a shower before I fell asleep again. I decided to have a mini concert in the shower so that's why it took me an hour to get out of the bathroom. 

"What to wear....hmmm" I said while I put my fingers on my chin and raised my eyebrow looking through my closet.

" no.....hell naw....AHHHH!" I said as I scan my clothes. I picked out a black crop top saying "I hate everyone" and a black jeans along with my flannel and black boots. (A/N 2 kewl 4 skwel) I applied some make-up and I just let my hair down. I head out and drove to school

I stopped in front of the school, examining it. I look around for any parking space, luckily, there's one available and I parked my car there.

"C'mon,I can do this." I said to myself. I closed my eyes and exhaled some air. I opened my car door and went out. As predicted, people looked look at me and whisper. Can they please get a life? 

"Look at that boots" I heard someone whisper. Yes bitch, look at the boots that I bought yesterday.

 I went to get my schedule and go to class early because c'mon, I don't want to be late on the first day. My first period is Math, Room 205. Fucking great! Im going to be mentally abused on the first hour of my first day. Just fucking great. I was literally walking in the halls for about 15 minutes before I find room 205. This school is massive. I entered the room which thankfully, is still empty. I guess, students are too "busy" bragging their friends what they did this summer. Since I don't wanna die because of boredom, I decided to get my phone and my earbuds. 

 After a few minutes, students came and started filling in the chairs. Of course, they will still look at me. And suddenly, the bell rang and our math teacher came and Introduced himself. His name is Mr.Knight. Not that Im listening or anything. He called us one by one and told us to introduce ourselves. I was too preoccupied with drawing something and I didn't realize that it was my turn.

"Do I really have to?" I whispered to Mr.Knight clearly sounding annoyed. I got a nod as a response.

"Hi my name is Kirsten Jane Collins but you can call me Kirsten" I said, running out of ideas on what to say. 

"Okay Ms.Collins, please take a seat" Mr. Knight said.

"I just introduced myself to everyone and I said to call me Kirsten not by my last name.Thank you" I said to Mr.Knight with a harsh tone and went  to my seat.. Calling me by my last name is a really touchy topic but that's a story for next time. Time went fast, the next thing I knew, the bell was already ringing. I got up and and head out.

It was now lunch time, I went to my locker to put my stuff and went to the cafeteria. Let me tell you one thing, this is so cliche. You know, the ones on the movies where the new girl entered the cafeteria, people are going to whisper and all those judgemental shits, well that's what happening right now. At first, I didn't really mind it but then it started to get on my nerves.

"Yes, Im fucking new! Now, can you all stop staring at me? I'd gladly appreciate it. Thanks." I said, well, more of like yelled. I just hope that they would stop. 

"Well, Hi there! Im Emily Watsons" A blonde fake bimbo approached me. I didn't do anything. I just stared at her with wide eyes.

"Well, new girl, you seemed like an anti social bitch. And you're ugly too." She said rudely while eyeing me up and down.

"Well,  dumb bimbo, you're fake as fuck." I copied the tone of her voice. She seemed offended and mad. She could literally explode in any minute now

"What? You made your comment and I made mine?" I asked innocently with a tone of sarcasm in my voice. She stormed off which I find really rude btw. 

I eyed the cafeteria trying to find an empty table which I gladly found one. I walked towards it and sat down. I was about to take a first bite of my lunch a badass loking girl appeared in front of me along with a cute girl. 

"Hi! My name is Ava and my friend here is Astrid!" The cute girl, Ava, said enthusiastically. Damn, how many chocolate bars did she ate? They seemed nice. Better than the bimbo bitch.

"Hi, Im Kristen Jane. Call me whatever you want." I said politely. I put my hand out for a handshake but Ava just hugged me while Astrid looked very bored.

"Hi, Im Astrid and Im really hungry so can we please eat? Astrid suggested which was a good idea because Im starving,

We sat in the table, quietly eating our lunch. And then the bell rang. Great! I have science then PE. I look over to Ava and Astrid which luckily, had the same schedule. Thank God. Ava led us to the science room. The students were there talking and laughing. We took our seats. A moment later, our teacher dismissed us. Me, Ava,Astrid head out and went to the gym,

We went inside the girls locker room and change. I was wearing a black sporty short, a black bra, with my black air max nike. I decided to put a white loose shirt on top, just to cover up. A moment later, Astrid went out wearing yoga pants, sports bra and a tank top. Same as Ava.

Our P.E teacher, Mr.Dale, announced that we're going to play volleyball which I was really good at. He  was the one who chose the teams and luckily, I was with my friends. Mr.Dale is around 25-27. He's hot and mascular. Those biceps oh my freaking gosh. Yes, Its weird but hey! Im a hormonal teenager that's attracted to boys. 

The time went on and we continued to play volleyball and my team won. After that, Mr.Dale told us that we could go home. I decided to change first so I went to the locker room. 

I went to the parking lot to meet up with Astrid and Ava.

"Hey. Ava has to go home because there was an emergency." Astrid explained.

"Okay then. Look, I have to go home. I'll see you tomorrow. Bye!" I waved at Astrid and jumped inside my car. Not literally. 

I was driving intensely, thinking of what happened the other day leaving me, still, confused.


Thank you for reading this chapter! Please tell me what you think. I really want to improve. :) 

If you have any questions (please do ask) or you just want someone to take to, hit me up! Well, that sounded so wrong hahahaah. But really, you can always talk to me or ask me anything. I HAVE SCHOOL TOMORROW IFDHSFIHBFDAPIHB.

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Goodbye, cuppies. Love you xx

God Bless the internet. 


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