Chapitre 19

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When Stiles, Erica and Allison arrived in front of the first one, Dean's impala was already there.

- How are we going to do this ? Asked her wolf.

- You'll see. But above all, agree with what I say.

- All right. The two girls told him.

He parked, then they got out.

- Dean. Damon. I present to you my best friend Erica and my big sister at heart, Allison.

- Delighted. Said her two lovers at the same time.

- We have to do a homework together, so they'll go to my room while we're talking.

With that, he went to his front door and opened it.

- Come in. Girls, take something to drink and snack before going up.

- Alright, Batman. Said his wolf.

- You want to drink something ? he asked his lovers.

- No thanks. Damon said.

- Just a glass of water. Dean replied.

- All right. Go sit down. I will be back.

In the kitchen.

- They're really sexy. Said Erica almost jumping on him.

- I know. On the other hand, you should reassure a certain person.

He smiled when his wolf took Allison in her arms and kissed her tenderly.

- You two are really adorable.

The two girls placed a kiss on his cheeks, then they went up to his room.

He returned to the living room with two glasses of water.

- Here, Dean.


He knew Erica was listening. So he had to ask the right questions.

- Dean. Damon. Are you really sure you want to change your life for me?

- Yes. Said Dean. I've already talked to Sam about it and he's agreed to move here. He even started looking for where to live.

He had to calm his heartbeat so Erica wouldn't get mixed up. But he was happy to hear that.

- I called Bonnie. She's the witch I told you about. I asked him to find a way to make me human. Damon said. And I asked Sam, to find a place for me too. Because it's out of the question for me to leave.

- But, Stiles, do you love us like we love you? Dean asked him.

He thought he heard Erica screaming in his head. " Yes ! He loves you ! Tell them Batman! »

Despite himself, he smiled thinking of his wolf.

- Kitten ?

- Yes. Yes I love you. Even though our relationship is unconventional and has been quick.

- We have been through you, kitten. The vampire told him.

- What if our passion suddenly evaporates?

- Stiles. You left. We could have resumed our lives, if the passion had left us, but we came to you because we missed you. Said Dean.

He let him approach him and kiss him. He still felt melt when the hunter kissed him.

He felt the vampire's lips on the back of his neck. He was starting to lose his mind when he heard a noise upstairs.

He was sure Allison had done it and his wolf must be bitching for stopping them.

- Your friends are here, it's true. Said the vampire.

- Are you giving us a second chance? asked the hunter.

- Yes.

After another kiss, her two lovers left.

He drank his glass of water, then he joined Erica and Allison.

He saw his wolf on his bed pouting, arms folded.

He looked at Allison.

- THANKS. It almost slipped.

- Please.

- But Batman....

- Your girlfriend did well, Catwoman. So what did you hear?

- You mean apart from your heartbeats which were breaking speed records?

- Yes.

- He was telling the truth. He really loves you. Her brother is looking for an apartment. He wants to change his life for you.

He was reassured that his wolf had confirmed his lover's statements.

- It's really lucky to have a lie detector as a best friend.

- I hope you're not friends with me just for that?

- Of course not, my beautiful Erica.

He placed a kiss on her right cheek.

- Stiles. I didn't want to poke around, but I saw that you had finished Madame Canbera's work. SO...

- You want me to help you do it?

- Yes ? Finally if you agree.

- Of course you do, Allison. Let's settle down.

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