Pretty much what happened... *with a little poetic license.

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Pretty much what happened...

*with a little poetic license.


Dallas searched the internet for information on Gabi. He found a couple of pictures and a profile on a network.

He went through phone listings and found twenty people with the name Gabriela Rogers.

He called all of them – over and over – to see which number was hers.

Then, he remembered he had a friend, Larry Horowitz, who worked part-time as a private investigator.

To hell with it.

Dallas called his friend.

The man did a background search and found Gabriela. She was living in Clearwater, in the same field of work. He got her home and work addresses and her phone number.

"Hey, you're not gonna use it – like call this woman up and do something stupid, are you?" asked the private investigator. "I don't want to get in trouble."

"No. Of course not," said Dallas, "You know me. I'm married. Hard-working. I'd never do that. Do you know if she's married?"

"Wait. Hold on. Why do you want this woman's phone number?"

"That's simple," he said, and did some fast thinking.


"Yes. I'm doing a Brazilian genealogy study, just ask a question about European heritage. We're trying to find-out the difference...the difference between Brazilian blood and Portuguese..."

"I didn't know you were into that," said the investigator.

"Yeah, I've always found that stuff interesting." said Dallas. "And did you know astrology has a great deal to do with how we name our children?" said Dallas.

"Is that right?"

"Yes. Specifically, the middle name..."

"Yeah, right. I don't know what you're planning Dallas. Don't give my name to anyone, or I'll kick your ass."

The line went dead.

Dallas dialed Gabi's number and got her voicemail.

"Gabi, this is Dallas. I know you remember me. I have to see you."

He hung up and called again.

"Gabi, it's been sixteen years, but I have to see you. I want to kiss you. Hold you. I want to make love to you, have a child with you. Call me."


Gabi knelt in her garden, weeded a small area, dug down, and planted a red passiflora she'd just purchased at the nursery.

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