Chapter 2 - First steps to change

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"Wake up or I'll have to kiss you!"

"Wake up or I'll have to kiss you!" Rang out an alarm clock with the image of an anime girl leaning in for a kiss.

A hand reached out pressing the snooze button. "Man I had a crazy dream..." spoke in a groggy voice as he stood from his bed.

The figure walked past a mirror where he caught a quick look at himself. "Oh I guess it wasn't a dream..." thought Issei as he ran a hand through his newly changed hair.

"Wait... This must mean... HELL YEAH!" suddenly yelled the brown-haired boy his voice loud enough to startle a jogger passing by his house.

"Issei! It's too early!" Yelled a woman's voice from another room of the two-story house.

"Sorry, Mom!" Yelled Issei back with an apology.

While he apologized his enthusiasm didn't die,  he quickly grabbed his school uniform, almost tripping over the various instruments that filled his room. Usually, he easily avoided said obstacles but due to his excitement, he didn't watch his step. After the sound of a loud crash and the ringing of a cymbal the indistinguishable click of two doors opening and closing followed.

"Hehehe I'm so going to be popular now..." chuckled the boy to himself a large grin on his face as his nostrils flared excitedly.

The boy quickly showered, brushed his teeth several times over, combed his hair, and got dressed for his day. "Good morning mom, dad." Said Issei a smile present on his face.

"Good morning honey, you look handsome today. What's the occasion?" Asked the boy's mother.

"Oh, it's nothing special." Though his words were dismissive, the look on his face gave a different response.

"I'm guessing that the talent show went well then." Spoke to his father.

"Something like that."

"Oh I get it now, you're hoping that by showing your musical talent you'll be more popular with girls!" Said the thin, almost sickly-looking man with glasses, a teasing grin on his face.

"Well that won't happen, having a good voice won't suddenly get you a girlfriend." Interrupted the man's wife as she placed a cup of coffee in front of him.

Issei's head suddenly dropped, slamming on the table in disappointment. His parents only chuckled at their son's antics. "Don't worry honey, you already started by changing your looks, why not change your image around school? If it wasn't for your musical talent I don't know how we would have dealt with your perversion, your talent balances the bad with the good." Said Miki Hyoudou.

"Your mother is right, maybe it's time you focus on musical instruments rather than women's breasts if only you were just a talented son and not a pervert." Sighed the older man.

"Thanks a lot for the encouragement Dad." Deadpanned Issei who received a sultry smile from his father.

"Issei you better be going or you'll be late." noted his mother as she finished packing his lunch.

"Oh, you're right... I took so long getting ready that I'm going to be late!" exclaimed Issei as he was about to run out of the house.

"Oh, Issei don't forget this!" Said Gorou as he walked up to his son holding a guitar case in hand.

"Um, but why?"

"Just trust me, take it with you."

"Alright, bye Mom bye, Dad see you two later!" waved Issei as he began a slight jog to school, his school bag in his right hand and guitar on his back.

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