2: Duke it Up

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As Dude was practicing his basketball tricks, the sound of a knock echoed through his room. Curiosity piqued, Dude turned his attention towards the door.

"I've got something to show you," called Bud, his excitement evident in his voice. "It's in my lab."

Intrigued, Dude followed Bud to his lab and found himself face-to-face with a remarkable sight. Standing tall in the center of the room was a robot, exuding strength and dressed in a snazzy blue jumpsuit adorned with a proud D emblem on its chest. The robot's deep blue eyes sparkled with anticipation as Dude approached.

Introducing the robot, Bud explained, "This is Duke, your very own robot assistant. He's specifically designed to assist you with all your prop-related needs."

Dude's eyes widened in awe. "That's beyond cool! What else can he do?"

Grinning, Bud listed off Duke's impressive features. "Well, Duke's chest contains a storage unit where he can neatly store props, he's equipped with a crushing mechanism to clear any scattered litter, and to top it off, his feet have retractable wheels that allow for lightning-fast speed when you need it."

Dude couldn't contain his excitement. "He's absolutely amazing! Thank you so much, Bud!" With gratitude in his heart, Dude turned and headed back to his room, eager to put Duke to the test.

Meanwhile, Bud couldn't help but smile to himself. With Dude's approval, he knew he was heading in the right direction. Now, all he hoped for was that the rest of the gang would embrace their own robots just as wholeheartedly.

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