The First Date

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((i'm not even sorry anymore, this shit is just cute))

Savannah tried her damndest to pry some information from her dad. Who was this guy he kept texting? What did he look like? When would she get to meet him? But he didn't say a word or show her a single picture. She was getting a little too excited about this... could he even call it a relationship? They'd only been chatting for a couple of weeks. Hell, this was going to be their first time seeing each other since the night they'd met. Faust had been too busy with work to even think about trying to set up a first date. Stars. He blushed just thinking those words.

He was making breakfast for his daughter before he headed out. She sat at the island and kicked her feet, a wide grin on her face. She knew he was about to head out for his little date. He was all dressed up in a casual way; a maroon flannel, a pair of nice jeans, and his turban, of course. She had picked out his outfit. It had been kind of her to do so; he hadn't been able to decide what to wear. But now she was being a little shit.

"When do I get to meet my papa?"

"For the last time, don't call him that," he groaned as he worked on fixing her plate. He turned to glare half-heartedly over his shoulder. "We're not even a thing, as you teenagers like to call it. We're just... testing the waters, I guess."

"No way. He's totally your soulmate." She dug into the food as soon as the plate was set in front of her. Her dad's cooking was always delicious. Her grin turned into a smirk. "When you get married, can I finally get a baby brother?"

She was lucky her father was kind enough not to throw the pan he was washing at her. He barely held himself back. "Will you hush?" he grumbled, face red. Like he needed another mouth to feed anyway. "I've only known him a couple of weeks and you're over here talking about weddings..."

"M'hm. Already planning it, too."

"Of course you are." He ruffled her hair when he walked past her. "Be good, okay? I'll be back later." He glanced at his watch; he was right on schedule.

He made it to Karnak's apartment without any issue. He texted the other when he parked who then responded with an invitation to come up. He was glad he was alone so no one could see his blush. Go up to Karnak's apartment? That was–that was a little much, wasn't it? They hadn't known each other that long...

Get your mind out of the gutter, Faust. It's no different than going up and seeing a friend. Like visiting Molly... If Molly were a handsome young man. That you might have feelings for. A lot of feelings, maybe. Okay, yeah, that pep talk wasn't helping.

He knocked on the door after triple checking the number. There was a loud banging from inside like something had been knocked over. Some clambering. Then a shout from within.

"It's open!"

Oh, how lovely it was to hear that voice again in person. The video chats and calls hadn't been enough; he had craved to be in the same room as the other since the moment they had parted ways.

There was no one in sight, though. He stepped into a large space that seemed to be a combination of a kitchen and living room with no divisions between them. Since he was alone, he couldn't help but snoop a little. The kitchen was cluttered; the sink piled with dirty dishes. Judging from the smell, the other must have just finished baking something. Sure enough, there was a pan of brownies cooling on the counter. They smelled delightful. The living room was a bit tidier. Against one wall was a giant bookshelf, absolutely filled to the brim with figures and books. Next to that, a plain couch and coffee table. There was an ancient-looking box TV with a few retro consoles sitting on the floor around it, cords everywhere. The well-worn floor cushions right in front of the TV told him that Karnak liked to sit close and play games, old-school. The mental image of it made him smile fondly.

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