The First Time*

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((omg i am. so sorry. this is smut. not even angst or therapy-related, just smut. read at your own risk))

They weren't exactly... planning it. They had discussed it before once it became clear that their relationship was starting to get a little serious. They were wondering if they should wait until after Karnak and Savannah were properly introduced; the only reason they hadn't been yet was because the schedules never aligned. They decided that probably after would be a good time to... test the waters. That didn't stop them from fooling around, though.

They were currently seated on the couch in Karnak's living room, the taller man straddling the other's lap. Karnak had his fingers slid beneath Faust's turban to play with the man's messy locks, Faust with his arms around his boyfriend's waist, fingers roaming his back. They were making out. Violently. Like they couldn't get enough of each other. It certainly wasn't their first session, but previously, they had been a little more tentative. Now...

Karnak pulled away, both to catch his breath and to chuckle lightly. "Someone's getting a little excited, huh?"

Faust looked at the other, confused and still breathless. It took him a moment to realize just how hard he was, his growing erection poking into his lover's thigh. "Sh-shit. Sorry. We can slow down, if you want."

Karnak pressed their foreheads together. "Do you want to?"

They were both silent for a long moment. "...Maybe we could... try some stuff out...?"

It seemed like they were both comfortable with it. "Here on the couch?"

"...Why don't we start here and see how we feel?"

That sounded like a plan. Karnak stopped playing with the other's hair so he could slide his hands down Faust's body instead. They were both still clothed, but he slid his hands under Faust's shirt to feel the shorter man's torso. He was a lot more fit than he looked, his baggy sweaters and plaid shirts covering a toned and muscled frame. Karnak ran his hands over Faust's pecs, squeezing lightly. The shorter man lay breathless beneath him. Faust wasn't much of a talker, but it was clear he was enjoying being fondled. Karnak chuckled before sliding completely off so he could kneel between the man's legs. He unzipped Faust's jeans and started sliding them down. But he paused.

"Still comfortable?"

Faust nodded before verbalizing, "Y-yes. You?"

Karnak nodded as well and continued. Faustus helped remove his own pants and boxers until he was sitting with only his shirt on on the couch. It felt weird, being so nude in front of his partner. But his dick didn't feel nearly so confined anymore. He started to stroke himself, but Karnak pulled his arm away.

"I wanna make you feel good, Fausty. Just tell me if something's bad, okay, and I'll stop."

That sounded like a plan. Karnak grabbed the other's dick in one hand and rubbed it slowly, starting at the base of the shaft. Faust was apparently quite the grower; the thick organ started to grow a bit longer the harder it got. Faust's expression and lack of verbal warnings meant that he must've been doing a good job. After a few more strokes, Karnak licked his lips and took the tip into his mouth.

Faust groaned then, feeling the other lick his already-weeping slit. He had rather shamefully jacked off a few times in the last few months, thinking about Karnak doing just this. But to actually have it happen... he wasn't sure how long he could last.

The other was taking it slow on purpose. He took in more and more of the shaft and let his teeth grind against the tender flesh. His boyfriend tasted better than he had hoped. He was a little out of practice when it came to giving head, but he was doing his best at making the other unravel. Faust started panting the longer they went on, and he couldn't keep his hands away anymore. Without thinking, he grabbed the back of Karnak's head and shoved it forward. The man choked, and Faust instantly let go. Karnak pulled off, coughing and sputtering and trying to catch his breath. Faustus was mortified.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 23, 2023 ⏰

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