Poem #1

30 6 2


Oh, the fire, the flamme
In my eyes and in my pain.

Why do I feel such attraction
To the thing that causes such a large fraction
Of the suffering the world feels.

She entrances us,
feeds us,
harms us,
But she keeps us warm and provides us with guidance
That we people so desperately seek.

We must love her for if we don't, her wrath will cause the end of us.
She is wild and dangerous.
But oh so gorgeous

She dances in our eyes and prances on our skin.

So before her we are forced to kneel until she becomes kin.

Hi, to the two people who've read this and voted on it!
You guys gave me confidence to post this, it's the best but I like it anyway.

My favorite poets are Sappho, Walt Whitman and Emily Dickinson! What are yours (if you have any)?

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