Poem #6

10 1 5

In the darkness

Here I sit,
I'm in the dark
It hugs me tight from all angles
It's almost comforting

Here I stand,
I'm in the light
It's all around, I fear for my life
I'm petrified, staring death in the eyes
My feet are stuck
I've dreamed of this moment

Those moments, those dreams
Were they but sugarcoated nightmares?
Escapism, a way out.

She looks me in the eye
In horror I realize that this
All of it
It's all my doing
My fault
Me, all me, just me, because of me
This grave I've dug,
It has no one's guilt but mine written all over

If I am to die I'll give her my breath
I see nothing but darkness,
Feel nothing but light
I sense her approaching
Her arms wrap around me
I prepare myself for my death
But then-
In my heart I hear her whispers
"It is not your time child, we will inevitably be reunited so do not rush into my arms"

A weight, the weight has been lifted
My eyes flicker open
I'm home, where I'm supposed to be
With my family, my coven, my sisters

We fear death but she is our beginning
She is our end, we will all be in her arms
not immediately but eventually

Death doesn't chase, she welcomes
And so must we.

-Abrial ...

Words: 225

A/n: I don't know what this is about, exactly, it was just a feeling so I wrote it down. Maybe it's for the coming of winter. Anyways hope you liked it and take care of yourself, until next time. <3

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