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Sumire's POV


I woke up to the bright rays of sunlight hitting my face. I squinted my eyes as I rolled uncomfortably on the bed that feels to smooth to be mine.

My nose perceived a familiar and yet not familiar scent on the air.

I quickly opened my eyes to study the room I was in, which of course didn't turn out well for me.

' this looks like Boruto's room' I've only been here once,when himawari passed out after over working herself too much.

I turned around as I studied the room in panick. I tried lifting my hands to scratch my hair but I felt it on something which I think could be someone's chest.

' oh my '

I slowly turned to see my hands on Boruto's chest, bare chest.

This is not good.

Then it dawned on me that I was naked, on the bed with Boruto, my secret crush who is dating my friend sarada.

Scenes of what happened between us last night flooded through my head.

I quietly rolled from him so as not to make too much noise and did I mention I have a horrible headache.

Am not a fan of sake but I drank a huge quantity last night.

I quietly stood from the bed and tried walking to the night stand where my clothes was.

My body hurts so much, the pain in my waist is excruciating, my ass cheeks feels like it's been flogged and not to mention my vagina and lower abdomen.

I winced quietly as tears slipped past my cheeks. I limped to the night stand and grabbed my clothes, I quietly wore them and tiptoed out of the room, through the passage and finally down the stairs.

Everyone where sleeping peacefully on the floor, and couch, no one was awake and I couldn't find sarada which was a good thing.

I quietly opened the door and limped out of the house.

This is not how I planned to loose my virginity,I kept sobbing quietly, wanting to get home as fast as possible.


Himawari's POV

Omg did I just see miss sumire coming out of my brothers room, adjusting her clothes and is practically limping.

What happened, maybe I should check Boruto's room.


Back to sumire's POV

Immediately I got home I fell on the couch and winced in pain.

I am so dead, I just hope Boruto doesn't remember anything that happened last night.

I limped back to my room and took off my clothes before going to the bathroom, I saw my self in the mirror and sighed.

My body was filled with bite marks and my ass cheeks has finger prints.

I felt something dry on my laps to my vagina.

I quickly rushed and sat at the tub to check it.

Something white and sticking filled my vagina and is slowly sliding down my thighs.

' semen '

I turned on the shower as I felt the cold water on my body, I laid back on the tub and tried scrubbing the semen off but immediately my hand touch it I felt sore.

I'll just bear it. Here goes nothing,I said and scrubbed it. Ignoring the pains.

I got out of the water and dried myself. The pain subsided a little.

I put on one of my shift that stopped on my knee the fell to the bed, drifting off to sleep.


Boruto's POV


I sat up on the bed as my mind drifted to last night and I smiled.

Sarada was a lot better than she has always been in bed. Her moans were like music and her long hair was really soft

Oh wait, sarada don't have a long hair.

Shit I screwed up.

I actually fucked someone else in sarada's place?

Who was it I can't remember,all I remember was sarada dancing on my laps and I got aroused after she left.

I went to the counter and saw her really drunk with a flushed face and dragged her to my room.

I remember the girl crying and begging me to stop.

I am so doomed, I hope sarada doesn't know about this.

I really love her and don't want anything coming between us.


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