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It was currently 2:49 AM, in the streets of Tokyo, Japan, a young girl, in her early twenties, was walking home from her shift at the convience store down the block..Suzaki Sakura..the only daughter of Mr and Mrs.Suzaki, whom are known as the coldest and scariest CEOS on this planet.

No one knew they had a daughter, as they always kept her hidden for obvious reasons...they hated their eyes, she was a pety little girl, who's afraid of almost everything, it was no surprise that they'd sent her away at just the age of 12 years old to live by herself..sure enough they provided her with everything she needed, food, shelter, clothes, education..but not with a mother and father's love for their daughter..

She was often bullied at school, hence the reason she was one knew how much she suffered, if only they knew, they wouldn't treat her so differently..or so she thought

She turned left into a dark alleyway which she rarely used as a shortcut back to her apartment, she stopped depending on her parents the second she turned 18..she thought she could do it on her own, but boy was she wrong..

She hadn't used this alleyway in over 3 years, nor had she been updated on world news or news about her country in general, if she was, she would've known this alleyway was a hotspot for crimes especially at 2-3 AM.

As she walked down the alleyway, headphones plugged in as she softly hummed to the music she was listening to..she suddenly heard a voice behind her..

"What is such a pretty girl like you doing out here? At this hour?"

She turned around and immediately said with a glare "It's none of your business jackass"

The man was so agitated by her words that he grabbed her and pinned her to the wall, his hand on her throat.

"You're going to regret that, babygirl"

"Ewww! I'm not your babygirl, pervert!!"

The man's grip on her throat tightened causing her to gasp for air..

"L-let me goo-!"

She tried to plead with giant man in front of her but to no avail..

"No chance, honey."

Espionage || Nakamoto YutaDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora