Who are you?

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The man then started kissing me roughly while I tried to get out of his tight grip to kick him where it hurts..but luck was not on my side as his lips started traveling down to my neck sucking and biting it leaving hideous hickeys..

I wanted to cry at that moment, so I gathered all my courage to scream for help

"Someone,anyone,save me please, this bastard is going to rape me!!!" I screamed whilst crying silently

"Shut up! No one is here to save you!!"

He then proceeded to rip my clothes and strip me..God, save me, why can't there be a whole in the ground to suck me into it?

Then it dawned on me..I was naked...completely infront of a stranger..someone possibly dangerous, even more than a thief..

He then unbuckled his pants and..yeah imagine the rest, kay??


It's been I don't even know how long since he was thrusting in me and me screaming for help..but no one came, just simply walked away giggling..

I've finally had enough and pushed him with all my strength causing him to fall to the ground..

"You're crazy!! Stay away from me you psychotic pervert!!" I managed to yell

"Stay still little kitten.." He said with a devilish smirk while getting up and walking towards me


He was knocked to the ground again by a powerful punch.

A handsome man yelled,anger filled his voice.

While he was beating him, I admired his features..he had red hair, perfectly swaying over his forehead as he beat the man, his sharp features, piercing eyes, sharp nose(what?), kissable lips..SNAP OUT OF IT SAKURA-

After about 3 minutes he stopped when the man fell unconscious

"Hey, are you okay?"

He asked, his voice deeper than when he yelled as he was panting after a brutal fight with the man..surprisingly he defeated him despite being shorter than him..by like 20 cm?


I muttered softly

He smiled..God that healing smile of his is making my heart go boom boom

"Here, wear my jacket"

He said as he took off his jacket showing his biceps..damn he's hot..

I took the jacket and wore it around me covering myself then bowed slightly while saying thank you as my body was sore from what the jerk did to me

"Th-ank you.." I muttered

"No problem.." he smiled once again making me smile as well

"May I ask, your name?"

He asked ever so politely

"Sakura..Suzaki Sakura.."

"It's nice to meet you"

"You too, but, who are yo-"

Before I could continue and ask his name everything went black..

"SAKURA!" was the only thing I heard before I felt myself falling to the ground but I didn't feel anything at all..did he catch me? Was all I could think before blacking out completely..

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