𝘾𝙝𝙖𝙥𝙩𝙚𝙧 7

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It has been one hell of a night. Standing by his side, soothing away any pain he felt, whispering words of comfort, words she was sure he could not hear, but it pacified her knowing she was providing him with solace.

Y/n watched Brandon's lying figure on her bed, sleeping but well by eye. She sighed silently, feeling the draft seep through the cracks as she closed the door. Thoughts pounded in time with her heartbeat, as she walked with light footsteps, trying not to disturb the peacefulness that engulfed the house. The burning in her chest grew like a fire had been ignited as Y/n approached the radio with pursed lips and clenched fists. She watched silently with a frown as nothing came from it. There was no light, static, or voice that indicated he was there.

Minor inconveniences like this evinced that, if shit like this has to happen again, Y/n must be ready to act upon it immediately so delays will not cost her time and harm. And why harm, you wonder? His static hurt Brandon, a noise she did not hear. That made her question if Alastor, as a haunting spirit trapped inside of a radio, has more than just the power of communication. This thought made her realize that she should be cautious, keep her emotions under control, and try to figure out how to fix this as quickly as possible. Who knows what tomorrow may bring?

Y/n exhaled, running her hands over her face, walking around the living room. Last night's incident made her realize that she was dealing with something serious. When she decided to help Alastor, she quite frankly was not taking it solemnly that she was being haunted by a spirit. Yes, there was an "agreement", but the main reason was to set her mind in place. To have a radio that is not plugged in or on batteries was already suspicious. However, she was in a state of distress, and having drugs and drink in the mix, logic will be the last thing that will have a saying.

Stopping abruptly, Y/n allowed her arms to fall onto her sides as she stared at the radio. The silent living room seemed to be in hibernation, creating an eerie atmosphere that evoked an unsettling feeling, causing her heart to pound and a sharp chill to wrap around her spine. Shuddering, she ran her hands over her exposed arms to produce some sort of comfort. Why was Brandon affected by the strong static when she didn't? The thought kept her in a state of uneasiness. Making her feel powerless when Alastor was the only one that could answer that, and weirdly he wasn't present.

Cautiously approaching the radio, Y/n knelt in front of it, studying it intently, as her hand reached out tentative and uncertain, tapping the radio's surface with a sense of doubt. "Fuck." She whispered, squinting her (e/c) eyes, swallowing silently when she turned the dial button. Suddenly, a low buzz penetrated the dead silence. Excitement stirred inside her, yet it soon faded as she realized it was nothing but a faint hum. Y/n continued, hoping to hear him, but no matter how much she tried, the sound remained the same, sending a wave of disappointment coursing through her.

A deep frown spread across her face as the only one who had the answers was still unresponsive. Frustration bubbled in her chest as Y/n contemplated her next move. She bit her lip and studied the radio for a little bit more, slamming her hands on the coffee table, trying to figure out a way to get the answers she needed. "Fucking hell." She took a deep breath and slowly stood up, walking towards the kitchen area, placing both hands on each side of the kitchen sink, head slumping in weariness. The morning sun drew her out of her stupor/daze, and the rays peeking through the window illuminated her face. Suspended in the air, tiny specks of dust came alive, dancing around in the warm rays of light. A peaceful moment that brought much-needed respite in her weary life. She pulled the curtain to the side, the morning air was crisp and cool, and the light fog lingered like a ghostly mist across the neglected front yard and quiet small neighborhood. The overgrown musty grass was blanketed in shimmering morning dew, and a faint chorus of chirps could be heard announcing the beginning of a new day. The trees were deep into their autumn orange and yellow hues, displaying all their glory to the appreciative eyes.

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