When He Saved Us!

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           Kyoka Jiro was having issues sleeping that night. Her mind kept traversing through the memories of that night in Middle School a couple years back. When she nearly died and first met Izuku Shimura. She had been running late to get home and ended up missing her train. Her phone was dead and begrudgingly made the long walk home.
    She had walked for a good thirty five minutes before she heard a noise in the alleyway up ahead. It scared her pretty bad because it sounded like terrified muffled cries. She looked around but no one else was nearby. Taking a deep breath she steeled her nerves and tried to be as sneaky as possible. When she got close enough to risk it she poked her head around the corner to see a sight she really wasn't wishing to see. Down the alleyway was a woman being tied up by a few men. The woman however had looked up to see her and made a noticeable sound.

    Kyoka froze as the men followed the woman's gaze and saw her. Terrified she didn't even get time to react as a dart shot out and pierced into her. Growing weary she realized what had happened she got shot with a tranq dart. Whatever was in the needle took affect near instantaneous. She tried to turn and run but only stumbled a step before collapsing in a heap as her world went dark.

    She woke to a horrifying sound and sight. The woman had her clothes torn apart and was covered in bruises and blood as the men took their turns violating her. She tried to move, to scream, even use her quirk but it was no use. She didn't understand what was wrong but she was also unable to look away. Her fear was too vast as she knew eventually they'll do this to her next. For an hour this went on and by the end the woman lay dead on the floor as the men turn to her next. Her eyes stung from the pain of the constant unending tears. "Hehe. Well much as I'd rather have me a second big tittied bimbo guess we're stuck with you girl." Growled one of the men as the others sneered and licked their lips. "Oh well. Least it's still in effect so she can't do anything." Chuckled a second man. "Well hehe it's gonna be fun either way. Never get tired of watching them die from it as we have our way with them. Hahaha." Said the third as he got a second needle and injected it into Kyoka's arm. She howled in her mind from the liquid fire injected into it. Her heartbeat skyrocketed as her fear shot through the roof.

       "Ohhh yes that's the look we want girl. Show us your fear!" Barked one of the men as he began to masturbate. The others took the straps holding her down off and started ripping her clothes apart. She screamed as loud as she could in her mind. But nothing could prevent the following beating she was subjected to. She was beaten black and blue before they were finally ready to rape her as they did the woman before her. Kyoka begged and pleaded for someone to find her or for her to die in her mind. She didn't care which as long it happened before they violated her. Then it happened.

    "LET HER GO ANIMAAAAAALS!" Boomed a beastial roar as light filled the room. Before her stood a boy with green hair and a green suit. His rage was so much she felt it through the wounds she had suffered. But when he looked at her with that soft warm smile she knew right then she was safe. In a flurry of motion the boy beat all three men who towered over him as if they were nothing. By the end of it the boy was left unmarred and the three men lay broken on the floor. He turned as he looked at her with his blazing emerald eyes afire. He was calm and smiling softly. He reached down with a pale green glowing hand and placed it on her shoulder. Instantly she was completely healed. Even the stuff they injected her with was gone.

    "Are you okay miss?" The boy asked as he handed his suit jacket to her so she cover herself. That was the traw that broke her from the temporary high as the events caught up with her and she began to scream as her tears flowed. Mournfail wails that threatened to break her vocal cords. Before she knew what was happening she was wrapped in a hug. "Let it out young miss." Was all he said as he held her through her tears. Eventually when all the tears ebbed and she was calm she asked. "W-Who are you? H-How d-did you f-find me?"

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