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"I know your warriors were by our territory, Jaystar." Hissed a pseudo-tabby tom, his red tail swaying back and forth.

"One of my warriors was just showing their new apprentice around our territory!" Jaystar said angrily. "You always keep jumping to conclusions, Squirrelstar! when will you stop for once?"

"There was only one cat scent. there was no apprentice." the other leader, Squirrelstar spat. "You sent a warrior in to spy on us."

Jaystar shook her head and growled, "I did not send in a warrior. That's what I told you, right before your clan attacked me. You were lucky to leave with your lives, you little pests."

'What? there was a fight? How come we didn't hear about this? Craneclan's right next to us as well, usually if there's a battle everyone hears about it.' fawnpaw thought to himself.

"oh-kay, you two can have your little fights later in a place that's not fourtrees maybe?" butted in a large, fluffy black tom.

"Stay out of this Blackstar." jaystar growled

"I think we should listen to him. We are supposed to be at peace at this time. not butting heads over a small border crossing." meowed Plumstar in attempt to stop the other two leaders from killing each other.

"It's a border crossing, Plumstar. we could've been attacked!" hissed Squirrelstar

"But you weren't, were you?" plumstar said, her whiskers twitching.

"That doesn't matter! what does matter is that one of Duckclan's cats came into our territory." Squirrelstar snarled

"Why can't I just kill you? it would make me feel so much better if I tear out your eyes and maybe rip your throat. maybe that'll shut you up for once in your miserable life!" snapped Jaystar, her ears lay flat against her silver striped head and claws unsheathed.

"well this is quite an... interesting first gathering...?" fawnpaw whispered to Wildpaw

"oh yeah, definitely. I like it." replied Wildpaw just as quiet, "Marigoldpaw will be amazed!"

fawnpaw couldn't help but feel a pang of jealousy in his heart, but he was quick to ignore it as a strong unfamiliar scent filled his nostrils.

"do you smell that?" wildpaw asked Fawnpaw

"yeah, it smells awful, worse than fox dung" Fawnpaw answered.

the leaders seemed to also smell it as they had completely abandoned their heated argument and sniffed the air.

"TWOLEGS! HIDE!" Screeched a long-haired white she-cat. 

the others didn't hesitate to respond and they all scrambled in every direction as fast as possible. fawnpaw being trampled by multiple cats as he tried to run into the underbrush on the other side of fourtrees behind the tallrock. once he finally made it into the underbrush he didn't fail in being poked many times by thorns as he tried to stay out of sight from the twolegs. after a while, he managed to stay as close to the ground without being poked so he could observe without being spotted.

fawnpaw had never seen twolegs before, nor had he ever even thought of them, but seeing them now gave him a very uncomfortable feeling. these twolegs were big, and scary looking. their fur was patchy and in different colors and patterns, colors that he'd never seen before on any creature other than birds. and they had weird hoof-like paws that were long and also in various colors. fawnpaw couldn't believe how kittypets were able to live with those things and not be scared at all. 
one of the two twolegs that were there suddenly quickly walked in fawnpaws direction, scared he backed up into the underbrush more, but not without a few thorns embedding themselves into fawnpaws paws. the twoleg stopped and climbed the tall rock and sat on it.

 'Who do they think they are? That's reserved only for the leaders!' fawnpaw thought to himself

The other, bigger twoleg pulled something out from its fur and held it in the direction of the smaller twoleg and a flash of bright light came from it.

'What in Starclan was that?? Am I cursed now that I looked at it??' as fawnpaw had his little panic thing, the twolegs eventually left, following the twoleg path. Fawnpaw waited until another cat emerged from behind a tree before coming out of the thorny underbrush. He limped over to where Wildpaw peeked his head out of a bush on the other side.

"Are you alright? You're limping..." Wildpaw asked, concerned for his friend.

"Yeah I'm alright, just got some thorns in my paws" Fawnpaw lifted his front paw, showing sharp thorns embedded in his pink paw pads.

"Ok... if you say so" Wildpaw meowed 


"What?! Really??" Marigoldpaw gasped.

"Yes! They were so weird looking! Like- like a monster!" Wildpaw enthusiastically explained.

"Those kittypets are brave for being able to live with those things" Fawnpaw butted in

"But not as brave as me!" Wildpaw bragged, holding his head up high and puffing out his chest.

Marigoldpaw rolled her eyes in disbelief. "Suurrreeeeeeee"

Wildpaw chuckled in return. "Of course, what could you expect? I'm a great hunter! I'm so fast! And my teeth are sharper and stronger than yours!"

Marigoldpaw rolled her eyes at his dramatic display, but smiled. "Didn't you say that Waxstripe told you that you weren't hunting correctly earlier today?"

"I- well uh-" Wildpaw stuttered, "I was still catching them though!"

Marigoldpaw snickered at his response. She loved the way that Wildpaw treated her sometimes, and he seemed to treat everyone else the same way. Marigoldpaw loved spending time with Wildpaw and Fawnpaw. It wasn't too often that a cat this energetic would become such good friends with calm, laid-back Marigoldpaw. She was sure he thought she was boring, but Marigoldpaw couldn't care less. Marigoldpaw knew that she'd be able to protect herself, her Clan, and her friends if she had to fight anyone or anything. She was confident that she could handle herself against whatever dangers faced her if she had to fight.
 However, she wouldn't deny that Wildpaw was pretty cute. He had his own charm to him.

"Hey are you going on the night patrol tonight?" Fawnpaw asked. He glared at wildpaw  "I remember hearing Pochardberry say your name while organizing it"

"Oh yeah I think I do" Marigoldpaw stood up from her sitting position "I'm going to ask Fallowpelt about it"

Wildpaw and Fawnpaw nodded in return as Marigoldpaw padded over to where her mentor was talking to one of the elders. "excuse me, are we going on the night patrol tonight Fallowpelt?" Fallowpelt paused her conversation with the black elder and looked towards her apprentice.

"No, not tonight. We will another night." the cinnamon calico replied.

"Oh alright then." Marigoldpaw said as she turned to go back to the apprentice den.

1,156 words

A bit of a filler chapter, I felt bad for not posting for a while, school has been kicking my ass so I've been really stressed. I will (hopefully) post around every 2-3 weeks after school ends-

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 18, 2023 ⏰

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