10: kidnapped

43 1 1

TW-Swearing and uhm attempted rape (sorry😞) skip if needed!! there will be a part where you can skip so no worries!! Sorry for mistakes! Enjoy😌😌
George POV
How did I end up in this situation?

It's been a while since he last spoke, who knows what's going on in his head. Would he actually r-rape me? Why? That's the only thing going through my head..."Why?"

I've been holding in strange sounds that are wanting to come out of my mouth. Levi has been biting and sucking on both my neck and chest then my neck again I can already feel it bruise so badly every time he would forcefully move my neck to one side so he can bite me somewhere it would hurt so badly.

Levi lifted his head from under my shirt.Is he finally done? Can we leave and I go home? Please let that happen! All I want to do right now is lay down on my bed maybe even hug Thomas, I don't know.

"Fuck, are you ready?"

Am I ready? What for? What do I need to be ready for? We are done right?

I didn't give him a verbal answer.

"You don't have to respond to me George I'm gunna do it anyway, whether you like it or not. Fucking bitch"

Those last words were unnecessary...

After staring at me he reached out and started unbuttoning my jeans.

I gasped "W-what are you d-doing?!?"
I reached down trying to stop him from fully removing my pants

"The fuck does it look like I'm doing? I'm gunna fuck you but first I have to get your ass naked" my eyes widened...

"W-what! Levi please just stop! I-I won't leave just please not here!" I don't want to be r-raped not here and not now and mostly not with someone I thought would be the love of my lonely and pathetic life.

"The fuck you mean whore? I'm gonna fuck you whenever and wherever! Haha god George I love you you will NEVER fall in love with someone who isn't me you understand? I don't give a fuck if I'm not you fated mate I will kill whoever it is cause you are MINE you got that? Your mine NO ONE ELSE WILL WANT YOU!!!"

"n-no....your wrong....please just stop....l-Levi please your scaring me...."

"Georgie don't cry, you will belong to me after this got it? Just spread your pretty little legs and watch as my dick roughly pounds into your tight virgin ass" Levi laughed and grinned he started to try again and take off my boxers

I cried...Tears fell from my eyes I couldn't do anything else but cry he was stronger then me...me pushing him away wasn't enough.. he managed to pull them down...I was exposed, overwhelmed I....I was scared and all I wanted was to-





My eyes where closed shut and all I could think about was 'what is going on?' Weird noises started coming from out of no where. My thoughts where everywhere Is ...is this what love is? Is this how I'm supposed to feel? What is going on?? And why are my ears ringing??who is grabbing me?? my eyes stay shut my heart beat won't stop

I feel as if I'm liquid ...

A solid slowly melting ...

Liquid... only liquid....

So many strong scents are around me and it's not just Levi's what is going on!

Finally my eyes decide to open...all I see is someone covering my exposed body with a soft fabric with caution and...
And blood...blood is everywhere blood is splattered almost everywhere and Levi.... is no where to be found 

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