Part 2: "What about L'manberg?"

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(A.N.: The bold is Y/N's thoughts. Also there will be cursing)

This morning was quite cold. Well colder than usual at least. I took one step outside and knew today was a sweater type of day.

I grabbed the closest sweater to me and adjusted my ponytail (or hijab whatever you prefer) and went out the door.
—----(time skip to when they get there)---------

I double checked the coordinates Wilbur sent me to make sure I was at the right spot.
I was.

It seemed to be some van of some sorts?
Guess it makes sense they would be selling drugs there.

"Y/N is that you?" I heard an annoyingly familiar voice say. I turned. It was my brother, Tommy. "Holy shit it really is!" "Hey man! How ya' doing?" "Meh you know how it is." I nodded as if I did but knowing him, you never really do.

"TOMMY," I heard Wilbur yell. "Oop- that sounds important we better go check it out."

We walked over to Wilbur where I noticed the walls. They were yellow and black. I was quite confused on why they were there but I didn't want to be a bother.

Then I noticed them. It wasn't just Tommy and Wilbur but also Tubbo, Eret, and Fundy.
It was nice to see a couple of familiar faces.

They seemed to all be wearing matching uniforms which were all red, white, blue, and gold all except for Fundys' whos was pink, blue, and white. Making me feel a bit embarrassed because getting a closer look at my sweater, it was my old sweater I used to use for my fnaf cosplays.

"Ok as you can see we have one new member, Y/N!" Wilbur announced "Sup'," I said, trying my best to seem cool. "OK now that we got that out of the way we need to think of a name for our revolution."
Wait. Revolution? I wasn't made aware of this. What does Dream think of this? He knows, right? I mean he's gotta because how else are we able to do this without getting in trouble. What if he doesn't? What if we all die? I quickly silence my thoughts before they get the better of me.

"What about L'cumdump?" Eret asked. Tommy quickly turned to him, "Eret, if my mom asks what I was doing today and I reply I was starting a revolution called 'L'cumdump' with a bunch of my 20 year old friends I don't think she'll let me do this anymore."

Everyone laughed and kept thinking of names. "What about L'manberg?" I say. "L'peopleberg to make it more inclusive and so we don't get canceled right?" Wilbur asked. "Dude I'm people and I'm fine with it being called L'manberg." I snorted. "Welp then all in favor for L'manberg say 'I'." Eret said. Everyone quickly responded with "I".

"We should celebrate! Cokes on me!" Wilbur exclaimed "The drug or the drink," Tubbo asked. "Mmmmmm... both!"

That was the end of this chapter. So sorry I haven't been posting in a while. I haven't had the motivation. Thank you everyone who has been reading. I know it isn't that great but I'm trying and that's what counts .
Word count: 539

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