Chapter One

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The Fire Point Inferno Coal was sleeping peacefully in her bed. Her covers comforted her as the blanket was soft and plush with the mattress was like a cloud. One Fire Point was one of her sisters— Inferno Chelsea— went into her room to get onto Inferno's bed with a cheerful grin. She began bouncing like the bed was a trampoline, giggling.

"Coal! Coal wake up! Wake up, you're sleeping too much!" Chelsea shouted, making Inferno groan while waking up.

"Chelsea, I told you to stay out of my room." Inferno growled in frustration, annoyed by her sister being rambunctious. "Besides, I don't sleep 'too much.' In fact, I went to sleep two hours ago."

"Father wants us to go into the living room for our 8th birthday! He is promising us cake!" Chelsea said with a big grin.

"When has he ever done that? All we got from our last seven birthdays was chicken and chips. Even the chicken did not taste good." Inferno said with a gag.

"Come on, Coal... maybe he is doing it this time. You never know any changes to come." Chelsea said reassuringly as she hopped out of bed. Inferno decided to follow her out of the bedroom. She hoped Chelsea was right.

Inferno and Chelsea met up with the rest of their sisters, who were all also very sleepy and cranky. Jeremae was nowhere to be found as Inferno deflated a bit.

"Where is Father, anyway? Didn't you say he promised us cake?" Inferno asked.

"Where did you hear about that?" Inferno Indigo huffed. "Father just told us to wait here for our pathetic party."

"I'm so hungry..." Inferno Emerald said quietly while her stomach growled. Inferno Mint stayed close next to Emerald. Then, the door loudly slammed open against the wall, creating a dent as Jeremae stormed in. He was incredibly angry about something and it made the others scared.

"Oh no... Father is getting scary..." Chelsea gasped as she cowered behind Inferno.

"Father, when can we eat?" Emerald asked as Jeremae was searching for something. He ignored her as he frantically searched the entire room for something missing.

"Father, did you bring us cake? We're hungry and we turned eight." Inferno asked which made Jeremae burst into laughter.

"Cake?! Who the hell told you I was bringing home cake? What have you done to get sugar for your chubby bodies?" Jeremae said sharply, causing everyone to flinch.

"Chelsea told me," Inferno replied. Jeremae looked at her and Chelsea with a sneer.

"You know I don't bring home sweets to make my daughters fatter than necessary. You all need balanced diets before I subject your grubby hands to sugar." Jeremae replied.

"I'm suddenly not hungry anymore..." Emerald mumbled.

"M-maybe we can bake ourselves a cake? Emerald is a g-good cook!" Inferno Onyx said, making Jeremae laugh even harder.

"You would need to see or else you'd mistake dish soap with milk! Would not want you to ruin more than what you did yesterday!" Jeremae mocked.

"I... didn't do anything wrong..." Onyx whimpered. Chelsea went over to hug Onyx to comfort her. Jeremae then went back to searching through until he found what he was looking for. He then ran back out of the room, slamming the door behind him— leaving the Inferno sisters behind.

"So... no food today, huh?" Inferno asked.

"Guess not..." Indigo said.

Emerald decided to go into the kitchen to begin cooking food. Inferno's stomach growled deeply as she smelled the delicious aromas of the food Emerald cooked.

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