Chapter Two

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It was the day of the orchestra concert, and it made Inferno and her sisters nervous. Violet spent her time in the bathroom vomiting due to the stress, having the sisters worried about her. Sapphire was guarding Violet's viola while practicing on her cello. Mint was sitting next to Emerald, noticing she was feeling down and empty. Jeremae was instructing to the stage directors to organise, announce and whatnot.

Once they heard their names, one by one each sister walked out onto the stage. They set their instruments up, even with Violet not in sight. Inferno wasn't confident and had a good reason to not be. All nine siblings began playing on their instruments right when Violet went on stage holding a barf bag. The song was beautiful which Jeremae had desired it would. Ruby especially was a natural when she had a solo.

"Ruby is so good at playing violin. She's even better than all of us." Inferno whispered to Violet.

"I've heard her practice. She really has learned quickly, I'm jealous." Violet agreed while they watched Ruby play.

The concert ended after playing five songs and the crowd begged for an encore. All nine siblings were exhausted as they were slumped forward while walking home from the concert hall. Violet especially was exhausted from vomiting in the bathroom all evening. Jeremae was in front of them all ranting angrily about how they needed to pay better attention, not doing exactly as he wanted to imagine them doing. Mint, Sapphire and Ruby were bickering to Jeremae about him being unfair. It turned into an argument through the way home. Inferno was out of it, she wanted to go home, take a bath and go to bed.

"I'm only eight years old and Father is forcing us all to do everything like we're slaves. I'm tired of it." Inferno thought. They arrived home at last as all the siblings immediately went into their rooms and went to sleep after a rough night. Inferno immediately fell asleep too, not bothering to brush her teeth or relieved herself.

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Inferno woke up in a forest that was darker than night, windy with ominous noises. Fear washed over her as cold sweat dripped from her and her skin paled. Glowing eyes appeared all around her... as she could distinctly identify every colour. Each pair of eyes increased their size as they grew closer to Inferno. Fangs covered in slimy saliva and blood were glistening in the dark, Inferno able to see them right away. Before they lunged at her, she was able to wake up from the nightmare.

Inferno got out of bed to use the bathroom. She rubbed her face in cold water from the sink as she got a good look at herself. Her reflection was a female Arachnarii with a gaunt face and dark eye circles. Her hair was a mess as she felt too depressed to brush it. Inferno took in a few drinks of water before going back to bed. She got comfortable as she closed her eyes and went back to sleep.

Two years later.

Inferno was going to her first school in Omegalein with her sisters. She was very nervous as she wasn't comfortable due to being homeschooled up to that point. Jeremae forced them to walk several minutes just to save on gasoline for a later trip. Her sisters complained how heavy their cases were due to their instruments. Inferno especially from her cello being large. She, Sapphire and Emerald were the only ones with cellos while the other six had violins and violas with them.

They arrived at their school, which was just in time before the bell to send everyone to their first classes rang. Large group of Arachnarii children stared at Inferno and her sisters. Some admiring their fire patterns and some judged silently. Inferno became nervous from every pair of eyes staring at her.

"Hey, look at this freak." One Arachnarii said as they pointed at Inferno. "Her siblings look like little babies that are worth flushing away in the toilet." The school erupted with laughter.

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