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A woman in a lavish white coat stood tall as her fierce yet observing eyes watched intently on the unknown figure before her. Her gaze was meant to provoke the creature, but it seems to hold no hostility towards her. In fact, it only stared back at her with pure confusion in its eyes, even tilting its head comically.

It was a rather endearing sight for the professor, but she then took note of the sudden change of attitude once her assistant stepped into the room.

Such a repulsive manner presented by the seemingly sophisticated creature. It's almost amusing.
Could it be that it favors her considering she created it?

Perhaps, she had modified this experiment to serve its loyalty only to hers after all. It's the only thing she can exploit to still take control of its possible threats in the future. 'The Walking Calamity' is what he is; as quoted by the professor's beloved assistant.

"May I fill you in on my reports, ma'am?"

The woman hums in response, she could already guess what her assistant was about to say. It wasn't as if she had yet to fully take account of the obvious dangers her creation holds.

Truth to be told, she's been well aware of the flaws of her own invention; ever since she had come up with it. A hybrid that was supposed to surpass human intellect? It was asking for a catastrophic event. She had observed way too many films and shows to expect such outcomes, but believe it or not—

it was what exhilarates her.

"During Project Alice's physical examination, we were able to conclude that there was not a single test wherein he scored below average. His physique was astonishing, not to mention his intelligence, it's beyond human imagination...!

...However, the process wasn't easy as we thought. There had been a couple occasions where Alice had to be restrained due to the ruckus he's caused. It actually resulted in some of our examiners getting killed..." He trailed off.

His mind flooded by the gruesome sight he witnessed beforehand; it was devastating. To see so many lives be taken by a blink of an eye. It all happened way too fast, he couldn't help but shudder at the thought. But despite all that, he didn't feel an ounce of grief towards these people.

Perhaps he's gone cold.

For the countless times this has happened, he's grown used to it. The number of sacrifices that had to be dealt with, just to fulfill the Professor's desires, was immeasurable.

"Was Alice injured?"

And just like what he expected, the Professor chose to disregard people's lives yet again. He knew the Professor well enough to the point where he could predict what she's thinking of. She couldn't care less about the victims affected during her experiments, even if it resulted in their own demise.

What matters to her is that they've served their purpose, and if they were of no use anymore; might as well throw them away.

Unfortunately for them, they had willingly given the fate of their lives by the hands of a greedy woman.

A woman, who craves for the unknown and devours the entirety of it as if her life depends on it. She'd offer not only herself, but also everything around her for it. Something so bewitching is only worthy of the greater price.


"The autopsy report states that they have died due to some kind of infection. During their investigation, they found Alice's DNA fused with the corpses' blood. It may have entered their system when he attacked them. His unique DNA was later deemed incompatible with their system.

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