Better off Dead

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Nicole log

I wake up to beeping and cant feel anything. I put my hand up to grab onto the railings of my hospital bed and my hand goes right through it. Before I can scream, I look up. Dane is standing there looking down at me, he grabs my hand and pulls me up.

I gasp and look at the hospital bed I was laying on. In my place is a pale body, bloody and ash. I gasp and cover my mouth when I figure out who I'm looking at. I turn around to look at Dane with tears in my eyes.

"i-I'm dead?" he nods and his smile slowly faded. i looked at my still body with tubes all over me. doctors where preforming operations on me. they still didn't know it was too late.

i sigh and looks at him. i have a whole life left. i cant be dead. he sighed and looked at me. "since your special. you have one chance to go back. but if you do your real death wont be pretty"i nodded. he looked at me "don't you wanna be with me?" he asked. i nodded. "what do i do?" i asked totally ignoring his question.

"lay onto the bed and close your eyes" he whispered like someone was listening. i did as he said and before i got to say bye one of the doctors touched my body's heart and everything when blank again.

Danes log

when Steve touched her heart i couldn't help but scream. i didn't think she would go on with it. the only reason she was dead in the first place was because i tryed to talk to her. i wish i didn't need her. i wish i can just live the beginning of the end of my life without needing her.

i slap the floor and scream. i watch as Nicole rises from the bed and looks where I'm standing. i know she cant see me. the thinks the whole seeing thing was a dream so i made sure she cant see me anymore.

i absently waved at her and he sighed and looked at Steve. he was the only doctor left. he smiled at her and he said something but it was only on the world of the living. people from my side cant hear Steve talk. that's his talent. hes special too. he brings people like Nicole back to life.

i stand there looking at her and then all the sudden is see a big dark haired man walk into the room. seeing Nicole eyes light up and a friendly sexy smile she only used to give to me pulled up on her lips.

as i saw that my throat got dry. he ran to her and pulled her into his arms like i wanted to do so many times before when i was alive but i was to shy.

he picked her off the bed and held her to his muscular chest. he cradled her as she cried into his shirt i stood there until i couldn't watch anymore and i left.

jacks log

yes i came back. i pulled her into my arms and held her protectively. i knew she needed someone. that beautiful smile those beautiful eyes lit up just for me.

i help her to my chest and held her broken arm and leg protectively. i was ready to protect this beautiful girl i was holding in my arms from anything that would hurt her.

damn i jumped into a crushed burning car and ran 10 miles to the hospital just so she would be safe. i slowly pulled her away from me and looked at her while i twirled her hair and cradled her bad arm.

she smiles will puffy red eyes and pail blood stained cheeks. i smile back and wipe the ashes out of her hair. "you brought me here didn't you?" she Finlay asked me with a lightly lost voice. i nodded and looked into her eyes.

"you think i would just let you die?" she looked down and nodded and i gasped then covered my mouth. her head snapped up. "sorry" i muttered under my breath. i looked at the door "are you able to get out of here yet?" i asked her.

she shook her head. nope my mom and dad are gonna come here tomorrow and the doctors are gonna try to cut the burnt pieces of hair and fix my stomach..." i looked up at her "your stomach? what about your stomach?"

she shook her head."its nothing" she said. "ITS NOTHING? NO ITS NOT! YOUR HURT.. WHATS WRONG?" she shrinks back and lifts up her shirt. a huge sliver of skin was missing in the middle of her abdomen. my eyes widened as I watch the blood drip down the hospital night gown.

besides the blood and skin missing it was beautiful. she was beautiful. "as you know the car completely crumpled. the glass in my front window flew at me. the huge piece cut a chunk of my skin out of my stomach" she said weekly. as if she was remembering it happen.

"i looked at her this is all my fault. i let you drive" i whimpered. she argued "no!! i drove. its not your fault... i guess the only reason i went there in the first place was to rebel. i needed time. i needed at break. and i ended up like this. "

"your perfect I'm sorry your hurt, i wish i can take the pain away from you. i got to go please call me" i explain as i turn and walk out.

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⏰ Last updated: May 25, 2018 ⏰

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