Chapter 5:The date

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It was Saturday that means my date with Alex I was excited I mean I haven't really met anybody yet so it will be fun
After I had showered and dried my hair and applied a small amount of make up on I don't normally put a lot of make up on I didn't really need to. I straightened my hair and out in my new dress it was a white dress and it had a creamy lace pattern up the top (picture at the top)
I grabbed my purse and started putting on my shoes
"Where are you going" hunter asked

"Well if you must now,I'm going on a date with a boy called Alex" I said finishing putting on my shoes

"Okay see you then" hunter said he sounded a little hurt. Why would he be hurt he has a different girl in be everyday nearly? Everyday. Couldn't I go out with one boy anyway hunter and me are barley friends.

"Don't wait up" I say

"Don't plan the way you look nice" hunter says I blushed. We stared at each other for what seemed forever I noticed how bright his blue eyes are he has perfect cheekbones and the most beautiful lips...we started to lean in



Suddenly feeling embarrassed I said "sorry" in a whisper
"Don't worry" hunter also said inn a whisper

"Hey Casey" Alex said handing me a pink roes

"Hey thank you" I said blushing. Alex wrapped his hand around mine and leaded me out the door and we walked to his car he opened the door for me and we drove listening to music and occasionally talking about college he's doing English lit as well but we have it at different times.

We arrived at a Italian restaurant he opened the door for me and we walked into to restaurant and we got a booth I have always found booths more romantic. Alex and I ordered and then we talked well actually he talked and talked about football and rugby I didn't get a word in, I mean he was nice and everything but he was starting to get annoying.
Once we got out we stood outside in the carpark and he lent into kiss me I let him the kiss didn't feel right if felt sloppy and forced I tried to get away from him but he just pushed me against his car "Alex let go" I said but he just pushed me harder and he put his hand under my top and started to cry "Alex.. Let go" I managed to say between my tears then I heard a punch I looked up and saw hunter punching Alex u slid down Alex's car and started to cry more and more I felt somebody lifting me up I opened my eyes and it was hunter carrying me back into our dorm he lifted me into my bed and he layer next to me moving my hair out of my face "you are beautiful you know he was just a dickhead he won't bother you anymore I promise" hunter said against my head

"Thank you" I said and Once hunter thought I had fell asleep on hunters chest he removed my shoes and jacket and he put my phone on charge and started going back to his own bed
"Hunter will you stay with me?"

"Yes princess" princess? He called me princess maybe the bad it has a soft side maybe I would fall for him but I wouldn't let him know that.

Hope you liked this chapter it's a
bit short sorry about that :)

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