Chapter 6: day in part 1

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Hunters Pov

I woke up with Casey in my arms I suddenly remember last night and how Alex hurt Casey it just made me mad thinking about it just thinking about when Casey said who she was going on a date with Alex I thought I knew that name but I just ignored it the later it got the more I worried about Casey I looked out of my window to see Alex Tuner pressing Casey up his car. Alex Turner was one of the top gang leaders in America well nearly the top If it wasn't for me of course I was the top gang leader in all of America and nearly everybody knew that the rumours started to spread and then tones of girls started throwing themselves at me I lost all my emotions I was heartless that's what I thought until I met Casey she didn't throw herself at me she didn't care who I was well that's because she didn't know I could see in her eyes she wasn't who she said she was I knew she had a secret and she wanted to keep it a secret I wasn't going to argue with her I didn't need to know maybe she'd tell me in her own time but when I saw Alex Turner holding Casey the same Alex turner who killed my parents I lost it I ran out of my room and down to the carpark

I punched Alex in face more up than once I saw Casey slid down the side of the car and start to cry I know she couldn't here anything I was going to say to Alex I grabbed him by the shirt and said

"Leave her alone Turner"

"Why Miller do you like her?"

"Why is that any I'd your business?" I sneered

"So I'll take that as a yes. So does she know about you and what you've done Miller"

"Leave her alone" I kicked him in the stomach and I carried Casey up the stairs and she asked Me to sleep with her so I did

And know looking at her she looked so peaceful she is beautiful oh my god I sound like a girl.... I don't like this girl do I?

"Morning" I said to her once she'd opened her eyes

Casey's PoV

"Morning" hunter said to me In a very husky sexy tone

"Morning" I say I climb out of bed and walked into the bathroom locking the door behind me and then my thoughts turned to the events of last night how nice Alex had been all night and then in the carpark he changed completely no emotion in his eyes cold hearted I learned how to show no emotion when i was in my gang a couple of years ago I didn't realise I was crying before hunter knocked on the door and said
"are you okay Casey?" He said

"Um yeah yeah fine" I said whipping away the tears

"Okay I'm just going to go get breakfast for us I'll be back soon" he said

"Okay " I say I walked out of the bathroom and handed hunter a £50 note

"What's this for?" He asked

"Breakfast you always pay so I'm paying"

"Alright on one condition"

"What would that be"i asked

"You have to spend the whole day hear with me" he smiled

"You have a deal. But that is of course you don't kill yourself before the day is over" I said with a smile

"Well that is going to be very hard." He winked "bye Casey" he said and kissed my cheek and he left

I had a shower and got changed I wore some grey jogging bottoms and my neon green cop top I didn't bother to put on any make because we weren't going out anywhere I put my hair up into a messy bun. I looked at my reflection "oh well That will do" I said. I heard hunter coming through the door so I went to help him but I heard my phone make a noise so I went to check it
I had 2 messages

From Hanney
Heya sexy case I have a boyfriend his names George and he's cute ;) anyway Lyls see you soon xxxxxxxx

To Hanney
Hey Hanney that's great xx hope ur okay xxxx lyl2

I finished typing and realise the next message had a unknown number so I looked at it and I gasped when I red what it said

From unknown
Dearest Casey where have you been we've missed you here in San Francisco me and the gang want you back you can't just walk away and get away with it now can you sweetie love you see you soon dead or alive I don't mind

J.S Jack Samuels he was my old gangs leader I left because i had killed so many innocent people and know he was coming to get me back what am I going to do one thing I know is that I can't let hunter know about this what would he think of me? I was a dirty player a cow a bitch

When I was in the gang I was involved with horrible things I smoked although I couldn't let go of smoking I did it less now I used to do drugs and any boys that I could find really u realised how Irresponsible I was being so I found this college in California where I though they wouldn't find me I was wrong in the back of my mind I new eventually they would find me

I walked into the room where hunter was I cleared my face of any emotions that were there
"What'd get?" I asked

"Mmm.. Coffee, bacon rolls and chocolate muffins" I ran over to the counter and started to eat hunter was staring at me

"What" I asked

"Well I thought you would of not eaten it and made me go back and get salad or something" he said quit shocked

"No I'm not like other girls am I hunter" I say

"No your not Casey, and I think I like that" he said once we'd finished we watched 2 films and then I stood up and started walking over to the counter to get a drink when hunter said

"You've got a tattoo" he said like it was a massive shock

"Yeah" I said it was angle wings with the writing love to fly written around it .
It was in my lower back and i didn't realise anybody would be able to see it I got it when I was in my old gang

"When did you get it?" Hunter asked me

"When I was different"i said hunter gave me a questioning look but I decided to ignore it we played twister I won of course and then hunter went to take I phone call.

Hope you like this chapter xxx

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