The Night After

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Characters: Mallie, Mark


The drive to his house was long and unbareable. Mallie couldn't see. At all. Her eyes blurry from the tears. As if something was covering her eyes. Mark was talking. She couldn't understand a word he was saying. She felt like she wasn't awake; she was, but she could barely move, speak, hear or see.

She faintly heard the car door open and shut, and felt something pick her up. She clung onto it's shoulder. Mark unlocked the door and sat her down on the sofa. She could hear better now. She could see better. His house was quiet, unlike the streets.
"I'll get you a tea, yeah?" Mark smiled at her, placing a hand on her shoulder. Mallie gave a nod as he wove his way into the kitchen.

A lamp in the corner dimly lit the room. She grabbed a blanket from the back of the sofa and dragged it over herself, laying her head on a pillow as Marks figure re-entered the room.

A warm mug with a bunny on it was presented to her. She took it by the handle and examined the contents. Warm, milky tea. It was just the way she liked it.
"2 sugars." Mark added, as a smile lit up on her face.
"Now," he sat down next to her, resting a hand on her shoulder again. "What happened?"

As she was about to speak, she was drawn back by an aching feeling in her heart. What if she found out she was telling everyone? She was more then capable of doing something. If Mallie was to tell one person, she was sure word would get out and she would find out she was gossiping about the whole situation. Who knows what'd happen to her?

All Mallie knew was she wasn't ready to properly talk about it.
"We just.. Got into another fight." She mumbled. That was all she was going to say.
"Did anything happen in the fight?"
Mallie remained silent.
"You don't have to tell me if you don't want to, I'm just concerned." Even her brothers warming voice wasn't enough to convince her to speak.
She sipped her tea and drifted into her own thoughts as she heard her brother sigh.
"Alright. You can sleep here tonight until you've got a place sorted. Should I call mum?"
"No." She bluntly spat out. She wasnt ready to tell anyone. Not her family, not her friends, not anyone. She only had to tell her brother because he picked her up.
"I'll tell her when im ready by myself."
"That's fine, Mal. Goodnight." He gave her a hug and got up, staring at her with a smile for a few seconds before walking out the room and closing the door.

Mallie wiped her tears. Putting her tea down, she laid back and stared at the ceiling.
She hasn't spoken to people recently, it was lovely to hear Marks voice. She isolated herself a lot since her and Amora started arguing. She felt like a problem. She didn't feel like hurting anyone else. But in the silence, she seemed to wonder if that just got herself hurt worse.

She wanted to talk to Amora, maybe sort it out. Like they always would. A deep feeling in her gut told her she wouldn't forgive her this time. She sighed, picking up her phone. The lock screen was the two of them on Mallies 18th birthday.

They went to Scotland together, Mallies home country, they went to the families house there and slept over for a week. She had so many pictures on her gallery of that week. Perhaps, today was the time all those pictures would be worth nothing to her.

She unlocked the phone and began to dial Amora's number. The ring echoed through the room. No response. She called again. Nothing. After 4,5,6 more times, she gave up calling her and switched off her phone.

This was it.

This was the end of everything.
All because of that idiot.
That idiot who was engraved in her experiments, the idiot who made her cry at night. The idiot who she felt like cared more about her gory job then her lover. The idiot who.. She loved. And this idiot she loved was gone.

Forever, it seemed like.

She didn't want her near her anymore. It was in the silence she gave up on her. She never wanted to see her face again.

She messaged her boss.
"Hey boss. Sorry it's late, I just need to confirm something tomorrow. Can I call you?"
She was planning to call her boss to get the police involved, making sure she wasn't allowed near her work place.

The last thing she wanted was to break down on her shift.
She shut off her phone and rested her hand on her chest. She silenced the sobs, and shut her eyes. The darkness, the silence, the.. Nothingness took over her. She fell asleep. Under the protection of her brother. Perhaps she'd be ok now.

Just.. Perhaps.

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