Chapter three

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POV: Phoenix

I had told them that I didn't want to get caught and that's why I used text to speech, it helped hide the fact that I am mute there is no use in them knowing anything about me it will only make it harder for me to hide. I shook me head chasing away un needed thoughts, and looked around, I was in a plane, no, not a private jet, no , that would have been a waste of money and would draw to much unwanted attention, I closed my eyes are silently called out
" My lord?"
Noone answered noone ever did and they didn't have to, I immediately felt a flow of love and attention from somewhere up above as if I could feel them listening, caring and this alone meant more to me then the world
" I killed again, my lord, I didn't mean to, I lost control, please forgive me, my lord, I still trick though, in your name, I lie to survive, that's what it's for, am I right, my lord? Lying, to survive? I feel like I am drowning again, if not for you I wouldn't have the will to live, but you were here on Midgard, in New York, and that gives me hope, that one day I will meet you, and be able to say thank you for not shutting me out for listening, good bye my lord, have a good evening"
I opened my eyes again and smiled into nowhere, he heard he was listening, and had been since the first time I had prayed, I sighed at the memory.
I was five at the time, had just killed a couple targets and the guilt was suffocating me, it was also the first time I had a panic attack, I was near a library and the old librarian was outside taking a smoke or something, she noticed me, took me inside and read me Norse mythology until I calmed down, I was an orphan, but she took me in, she still doesn't know what I do for a living, but I take care of her, being her only family, after living with her for a few weeks she found someone who faked some documents and made it look like a was her granddaughter...
I shook my head, pushing away my thoughts and settling in for a long flight

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