Chapter thirteen

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POV Bucky

We were all standing in the monitoring room thinking about what we had just heard, P.A.W? What was that? Even Tony didn't seem to have an answer, which was saying something since Tony always knew everything. I stood up.
- I'm going to ask her
Nat stood up as well
- I'm coming with you
I was going to point out how that was a bad idea, but Nat spoke up again
- I want to apologize, and I can help, I promise not to lose my temper this time.
I looked at Tony for support, since I couldn't out right say no even if I disagreed with her coming with, but Tony being Tony, decided that this was an opportunity for an experiment
- that's perfect! I can analyse how she reacts and start on her psych profile!
I sighed clearly seeing that there was no stopping her, and stood up heading to her glass cage, she smirked when she saw Nat, but there was something in her eyes that gave away how she was really feeling:
Apathetic, I shivered and turned to Nat, by the expression on her face I could tell, she saw it too........
Her eyes... It's impossible to even describe the feelings that I got when I looked into them, if I had to choose I'd say: terror and.... Peace? The kind that you feel after returning home from a long trek through the mountains, it was how you felt alone in the middle of a forest, at peace, in solitude, and in terror, from having no protection against the things that hid in it's depths.....
I don't know what to think, our knowledge of her is limited and what we know doesn't hold much value, I sighed and looked up at the young woman
- what are you?
Her answer was a smile and that same hollow look in her eyes....

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