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A/N I know it's been forever and this is shorter than usual...but I haven't been in the mood to write...but I hope you guys like this next chapter!!! love you guys!!! :D

Angie's POV

As Josh drives us back to the house we sit silently with smiles on our faces. I hold his hand in mine and he traces the back of my hand with his thumb making me relax into my seat. "Ange, you know that this means I have to go to Quebec City..." he explains to me breaking the silence between us, "yeah I know, but I also know that you will do perfectly even though you'll be all the way on the other side of the country" I tell him as I look over at him. "how did I deserve to get someone like you?" he asks, "I ask myself that question everyday when I see you Josh" I reply kissing his knuckles gently before looking straight ahead again. He squeezes my hand gently before he also turns towards the road so that we can get home safely.

We get into the house smiling and laughing as I hold one of Josh's hockey sticks in my hand, I put it down on the couch before going to the kitchen to get a snack. I go towards the fridge but i'm suddenly throw head over heels, I squeal as I now look at Josh's back. "Put me down" I say smiling, Josh keeps walking to wherever he plans, I hit his back and he just laughs at me.


I'm dropped onto Josh's bed gently, I look up at him smiling, he returns the smile before lowering himself next me wrapping his arms around my waist bringing me right next to him. I rest my head on his chest while tracing shapes onto it, Josh kisses my head gently making me look up at him, he smiles before lowering his lips onto mine, he cradles my head adjusting it to get better access to my lips. I bring my arms around his neck bringing myself closer to him. I pull away giggling, "what?" Josh asks smiling, "your beard is tickling me" I reply, this makes him brings his face to my neck making me laugh as I weave my fingers in his hair. Josh kisses my neck gently before looking at me again, "we should go to sleep it's been a long night" I tell him, he nods getting up to go change, I grab the spare pjs I keep in Josh's room and change quickly before going back into his bed snuggling under the covers as I wait. The bed dips a few seconds later and Josh's arms come around me pulling into his chest as he kisses my cheek, "night Ange" he says, "night" I reply before falling into a deep sleep.


Game 1 of Memorial Cup - Kelowna vs Quebec

Angie's POV

I sit on my living room couch staring at the TV nervously as the anthems are sung for the first game of the Memorial Cup, the camera pans to the Kelowna bench, when they go by Josh my smile becomes so much bigger. "An..." "SHHHH" "but Ang..." "SHHH HOCKEY" I say to whoever is trying to get my attention my eyes still glued to the TV. Once the game starts I keep my eyes on Josh my fingers tangled together as I lean both my elbows on my knees. I jump off of the couch when Kelowna scores a goal. I hold my hands up waiting for a high five, I look around and see that i'm alone, I pout but sit back down watching the rest of the game.

I breathe a sigh of relief once the game finishes and Kelowna wins the opening game of the Memorial Cup. I turn off the TV before going to my room so that I can change into my pjs and get ready for bed. For tonight my pjs consist of some shorts and Josh's jersey, as i'm about to get into bed my phone rings, I pick it up once I see that Josh is calling. "Did you see?" is the first thing he asks, "is that even a question?" I reply smirking, "you were amazing Josh, I'm so happy for you!!" I add smiling, "I wish I could be there with you and not on the other side of the country" he explains, "I know but then you wouldn't be doing what you love" I tell him playing with the hem of my Morrissey jersey, he sighs making me pout as I picture his face, "hey don't worry I'll be at the arena once you get back waiting to see you" I say, "yeah I know, i'm counting down the days" he responds, "no! focus on playing, don't think about me until its all done" I scold him, "okay okay! I should get to sleep it's late here" he explains, "okay good luck! i'll be watching!" I say, "bye" he tells me before hanging up. I put my phone down on my desk before flopping down onto my bed, and before I know it i'm out like a light.

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