Chapter Four

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         You know the saying after you have moved if you have boxes you haven’t unpacked in a year throw them out you don’t need what’s in them? Well that is definitely not us. Of course we got the house, it was pre-destined to be smooth process because Bob said it would be and Kathy wanted the place. As usual during the moving in process Kathy had us running like a herd of wild-a-beasts being chased by lions getting the place unpacked and situated. 

         As we moved into the house, Cathy went through her usual gyrations with where she wanted all the furniture and the usual “stay the hell out of my kitchen” as she set it up the way she wanted it. Not that she did much cooking. It seemed like there was always papers to grade or other homework to help the kids with. Just because you have a college degree does not make one able to help an eight year old with their math. It seems like the stuff kids were doing today in middle school the average college senior would have no concept of and would fail out. I actually enjoyed cooking and with my shift schedule was able to provide a fairly consistent diet of shake and bake with a mandatory side of macaroni and cheese or some kind of potato stuff from a box. Yep I am so ready for my own cooking show or maybe a guest appearance on iron chef.  

I was still having trouble getting my head wrapped around why Melissa was being such an evil little bitch because of the move. I mean you hate to think about your kids in that way but it’s not like we’ve never moved before. While I was still in the military we moved every few years. But I guess when you have a boyfriend and close circle of friends it’s the end of the world as we know it. At least her drama trauma has been limited to the occasional scream fest and slamming of her bedroom door. Her new look does have me a little concerned, the dark makeup, gothic looking creepy thing does not quite work for me. I figure I would have to have her mother have one of those mother-daughter image discussions. I guess the pink fluffy world goes away and they grow up but you hope not into a blood thirsty serial killer type.

Cathy has found a new church near the house and has stated we will all go dressed up and smiling. I have to admit that I have enjoyed sleeping in on the weekends during the move process.  Of course the drama queen is not all that happy having to go. She thinks she is old enough to be making her own decisions with regard to church. In a way she’s right, but the overall rational is she just doesn’t want to go. She would rather sleep in and be with her friends. Deep down I think she just wants to be a pain in Kathy’s ass.  

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