Chapter Six

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Three weeks later…….

            Fall on the East coast is a beautiful thing. The trees start to change colors and there is a smell in the air Kathy and I love, however learning how to cut firewood without cutting off my leg has been fun. She loves to have a fire and now that we have a fireplace that is something we can indulge in. Milo hasn’t felt the need to attack the fireplace and I have completely forgotten about that night. The house has fallen into its normal rhythm and weekly patterns. Mellissa has some new friends that are just like her; bunch of damn drama queens. I still don’t get the black stuff but Halloween is coming up and she gets mad when I tell she doesn’t need to get a costume. She will blend right into the that pisses her off.  “Mike will you knock that off!” Kathy yells, “You’re only going to make it worse, she will outgrow it”. “I just don’t like it” I say. It just doesn’t feel right. Any way she has a couple friends that now spend Friday night s over. Just what I need, more of them…

            Anyway, Melissa asks if they can hang out in the attic. I don’t really care, she says that Devon bugs them and he won’t go up there cuz he’s a scaredy cat. Kathy and I won’t let him up there anyway because it’s too dirty and there is way too much trouble that little guy can get into. So now they are going to take a bunch of crap up there and start to make into some kind of girly hang out. Over the course of a couple weeks they manage to get all kinds of crap up there. I go up there from time to time just to check on progress and make sure that they are following the rules we set. They have managed to scavenge all kinds of mismatched yard furniture, tables and knickknacks. Thank God they haven’t found a couch to put up there. I never went through all the stuff that was left up there just because there hasn’t been time and I figured if it was left there no one wanted it anyway and they found too much of a pain to go all the way up there and take it all the way out to the trash. Good thing I don’t need it for storage. I can’t get the girl to keep her room clean, but she and her friends sure find the time and energy to clean out up there. Priorities seem to be a bit skewed but ok as long as they keep the girl zone clean and critter free I guess I shouldn’t complain.

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