chapter 6 - should be a singer

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AFTER about 20 minutes Avery and Austin found themselves dancing together and jumping to fluorescent adolescent, along with many other strangers.
Austin felt the happiest he'd felt in a long time. The music, the people and the whole vibe made him feel intoxicated by the joviality in the air. But one of the main reasons to the cause of this feeling, was because of how cheerful Avery looked.

He couldn't tell this yet, but seeing her happy almost instantly made him smile. "Okay everyone, I hope you're enjoying it so far, is everybody enjoying themselves?" Shouted Alex Turner from upon the stage as he stretched his arms out to the audience.

He scanned the crowd, "I'm gonna pick someone from the public, to come up here and help me sing!" He pointed his finger out and moved it around the audience, before looking towards the front row.
As he locked eyes with Avery for a second, he smiled and began to walk towards her. "You," he said, kneeling down and holding a hand out for her.

Avery swatted her head around to Austin who smiled at her and she squealed from excitement, taking his hand. She climbed upon the stage as she followed Alex, their hands still locked. She removed it to flatten her dress out and as she looked up at the audience she heard someone shout, "Avery!!! I love you!"

She laughed, grabbing Alex's arm and holding the microphone lower so she could speak, "I love you too!"

The audience cheered and Alex spread his arm around Avery as the other one outstretched. "I think we all know who this is," he voiced.

"Avery, for the people who don't know you would you like to say your name?" He held the microphone just below her chin and she smiled, "Avery Miller."

"And who have you brought with you tonight Avery?" The man questioned, as Avery pointed towards Austin, "Uh, I've come with Austin Butler."

This was followed by an intense noise of squeals and claps, "Avery and Austin!!" someone shouted.

"AVIN!" another person said. The spotlight trailed to Austin and he held up a hand and laughed to Avery who returned the same giggle.

"Right! Well Avery, the song that you're going to be singing is in fact, Fake tales of..."

"San Francisco!" She finished, "I love that song."

"Well let's get started then," he laughed.

The audience began to clap to the beat and the music blasted through the speakers, "Fake tales of San Francisco, echo through the room."

He held the microphone up to Avery, "More point to a wedding disco, without a bride or groom." Sang Avery, rolling her eyes and winking to get the audience bubbling.

"And there's a super cool band yeah, with their trilbies and their glasses of white wine," sang Alex squeezing Avery and occasionally looking at her.

She laughed, "And all the weekend rockstars are in the toilets, practicing their lines."

"I don't want to hear you..." Sang Alex and raised his microphone to the audience. "Kick me out! Kick me out!" They followed.

He then held the microphone up to Avery again, "I don't want to hear you no..."

"Kick me out! Kick me out!"

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