chapter 11 - two best-buds and their cinderella

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ANOTHER piece of candy floss was shoved into Avery's mouth by herself as she ran around the many, many tents and rides all around her. Her hand gripped tightly onto Austins and she dragged him to her side, eagerly jumping up and down like a 4 year old child.

"Can we go on that one please," she begged, pointing to a well known ride.

He smiled genuinely, gazing down at her puppy dog eyes as he felt his heart melt. "Y-yeah." He stuttered quickly - hoping she didn't notice. Indeed, she didn't but he was dragged along again through the crowd now laughing to himself. How had he gotten nervous? He never got nervous over a girl. He'd usually be the one making the girl stutter.

"2 tickets please," Avery squealed, squeezing his hand and still bouncing up and down. She practically snatched the tickets out from the woman's hand, "Thank you!"

After about 10 minutes, the two were almost at the front of the queue.

"Why do you love theme parks so much?" Austin questioned as he looked around at everyone.

"I used to go all the time with my mum." She replied.

"Oh, that's cute-" Austin was cut off before he could say something by the man at the front opening the gate.

"Austin! Get ready!" She squealed, excitement visibly bubbling through her veins.

The pair walked onto the ride and sat down in their seats, putting their seatbelts on across their waists. Hurriedly, a man came and pulled the black over head ride-securers on and shut the entrance gate.

The row began to make its way to the very top, and stopped right at its peak. "Austin, this will be so good. Hands up."

"No, I'm holding on what if i die."

"Austin, Hands Up!" She shouted enthusiastically. "Woop!"

"No! Avery, no!"

The blonde girl laced their fingers together and lifted his arm as far as she could, "Woop! This gonna' be so fun!"

This earned a soft laugh from Austin as the ride began to spin. They dropped forwards and went upside down, receiving cheers and whoops every now and then. "Oh shit!" Austin shouted.

"Avery! Help! Aves!"


"My fucking shoe!"

"What about it?" She said, looking down. "Oh shit."

"Its coming off! Avery! Help!"

Once the ride reached the top again, Austin attempted to kick his shoe on, yet it suddenly flew off of his foot. "Fucking hell!" Austin screamed.

"Baby come back," he whispered, using his other hand that wasn't holding Avery's to stretch it out and act as if he was catching his in mid-air shoe. "Ah shit," said the girl.

The two just watched the jordan fall to the ground miles away. "Oh god it reached the waltzers." As soon as the pair made eye contact, they erupted out laughing. "Of course it was you Austin, it just had to be you and your shoe." Avery managed to say in between shaky laughing breaths.

After the ride had finished, the pair were still looking for the boys shoe. "Okay," Austin sighed as he checked his watch, "Its been 20 minutes with no sign on my shoe."

"Should we... ask someone?"

Austin nodded and they both decided to go to different rides to ask the workers there. "Okay, call me if you get lost," he stated, lightly pressing a kiss on her forehead and walking away. Shaking her head in attempt to get rid of the blush on her face from the minor interaction, she stepped up and went to the shortest queue.

Once the people in front had gone, Avery stepped onto the metal platform and rested her arms on the desk. "Hi, um, sorry to bother you but-" Avery was cut off by her own thoughts when the man turned around. It was him, the same curly chestnut hair, tanned skin, chiseled jaw. "Hey! You're the guy from Fernandos!" she sweetly gasped.

"Thats me," he smiled, happy that the blonde recognised who he was. "I'm actually just coming off my shift so let me just," he began to grab his coat. Whispering something to his co-worker, Avery looked startled. "Oh, its okay, really! You don't have to."

But before she knew it, he was already stood next to her smiling down at her gentle expression. "So, what's up?"

Avery gulped, "I.." she paused for a second, "I actually was asking if you'd seen a shoe."

"A shoe?" A puzzled smile tugged at the corners of his lips.

"Yeah, Austin's shoe fell off on one of the rides."

The brunette boy gestured for them to begin walking and they did, Avery examining his feautures while he peered down at the floor. "So, Austin." He finally replied.

Kicking her feet awkwardly, Avery huffed, "Yeah."

"You two still together?"

Her head tilted up at this comment, as she remembered how he'd cock-blocked her and told him that he was her boyfriend. "Oh, um- about that."

Avery stopped in her tracks and placed a hand behind her neck, gently rubbing it side to side, "We weren't really a thing. I don't know why he said that then."

He nodded his head and stuffed his hands in his hoodie pocket, eyeing Avery closely, looking for signs of emotion. Avery smiled, "Tell me more about you, mystery boy."

A small laugh escaped his mouth. And although it was only a little sound simply rolling off of his tongue, it rang and tingled all over her body - just like Austins laugh.

"I'm Ethan Parker."

"Well Ethan, it's nice to meet you again."

"Nice to meet you too." Ethan's hand extended in between them and Avery happily shook it, she smiled at him as he smirked back. It felt as though it was only them two in that moment. Well, that was until a loud, unsubtle cough erupted, startling the both of them.

Faster than lightning, Avery's head bolted towards the direction, only to be met with an unimpressed Austin, inches away from her own face. "Jesus, you scared me." She said, relief rushing through her skin.

She looked back and forth between the pair of men in front of her and she watched as they remained still, stiffly staring each other down, not moving a muscle. "Okay," she muttered, kicking her foot.

"Austin, meet Ethan. Ethan, meet Austin." She gestured with her hands and pointed to each other but both remained silent, frozen.

Awkwardly, she clicked her tongue, waiting for a response from either one of them. "He's the guy from Fern-"

"Fernando's. Yeah." Finished Austin. His face was stern. His jaw clenched, his eyes thinner than usual and his eyebrows slightly lower. Damn he looked good. Ethan glared back; the same, jealous expression on his face.

"Hi." Spoke Austin, finally.

"Hi," waved Ethan. All three of them could tell it was sarcastic, yet none of them said another word. "Right." Avery began.

"This has been a very, fun, conversation, but I have to get back so I will definitely see you two again some other day. Bye Ethan, Bye Austin," she strolled away, exhaling stressfully until she heard her name being called out.

"Avery! Wait." Austin began to run to catch up to her.


"Let me take you home," he said in a serious yet playful tone.

Avery fumbled, "Oh, thank you but I really-"

"I'm taking you home."

end of chapter 11

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