Part Eleven

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1:30 AM

"JUST LET HER GO!" I yelled, trying to push the strong man out of the way. I couldn't though. He was way too strong compared to me and I couldn't get to Valentina. The man laughed evilly, before swinging at Val. She whimpered as he kept on swinging at her. I was angry, so angry that I couldn't do anything to save her. "NATHAN HELP ME!" She said in between the harsh punches. 

By this time, I was crying, and I couldn't stop the tears from streaming down my face. I was sitting here, watching my best friend get beat up and I couldn't do anything. I try covering my ears, but the loud screams still penetrated through my hands that were covering them tightly. I rock back and forth, hoping everything will get better, hoping that this man would leave soon. But no, he's still there, beating the poor girl. "Please... Just stop!" I sob. The man looks at me and laughs that evil laugh again. He comes over to me, and kicks me hard in the stomach, knocking so much wind out of me. 

I roll on the ground, groaning in pain. I can't find the energy to get up, and Val's loud screams just make me weaker and weaker. Knowing that I can't help her makes me feel extremely guilty. I manage to open my eyes and get a good look at her. Her face is blurry, but I can tell that there is blood running down her forehead, and down from the corner of her lip. I can see the redness in her cheeks from where the man, who is still here, slapped her repeatedly and a few bruises on her arms and legs. I avert my eyes away from Val and onto the man who is currently stood in the corner, looking for something.

He comes back over to me, and I suddenly feel something cold and hard against my temple, a gun. "P-Please don't shoot him." She croaks. I can't help but to cry even more, knowing that I'm going to die. "I'm sorry." I whisper, before the man pulls the trigger.

I quickly sat up in my bed, immediately looking at the time. 2:36 am. I sigh and wipe my hand across my forehead which is soaked in sweat, and so is the rest of me. My heart beats very quickly, like I had just run a mile and a wave of anger suddenly flows through me. I get up, and find whatever I can pick up and throw it across the room, smashing the mirror in the process. "FOR FUCKS SAKE!" I yell, running my hands in my hair and pulling it out of frustration. A loud knock sounds on my door afterwards, and Max comes barging in. 

"What the HELL was that noise?!" He says. It's dark in the room, so I can't see where he is. Max turns the light on to be revealed to a broken mirror and what I suspected to be a small vase on the floor. "What the hell, Nathan?!" Max goes off. "I-I'm sorry, I just... I just got really pissed and...-" 

"So you just decide to go and throw an expensive vase at a mirror?! If you haven't noticed, that costs money, Nathan!" He yelled, then sighed. "What's wrong, mate? You're as pale as Jay." He said, earning a small chuckle from the both of us. But things got serious afterwards. "I had another nightmare..." I sighed. Max sighed too, and took a seat on the bed. "Nathan, you can't be doing this." He said; his gaze on the cold, wooden floor.

"Doing what?" I asked, confused. "You can't keep letting this go unnoticed. And by unnoticed, I mean that you can't keep this to yourself. I know you told me and the boys about it, but you really need to talk to someone, Nathan." 

"I'm fine, Max." I said bluntly. No one that I don't know doesn't needs to know about my personal life, thank you very much. "No, Nathan! You're not fine! You're hardly sleeping, you're hardly eating, you can't even concentrate anymore and you're just not who you used to be! You need help, Nathan!" He exclaimed. "No, no I don't! So what if I'm having nightmares? Everyone has nightmares!" I yelled back.

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