Part Thirteen

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10:00 AM

Max woke up with a banging headache. He yawned and groaned afterwards due to the pain banging in his head.

Rubbing his eyes, he got up and went to the bathroom, then came out and checked his phone, nothing.  He remembered not one thing from last night because he had gotten so drunk with the other boys. Last night was amazing though. He thought. After standing in the same spot for about three minutes, he decided to go down stairs to see if the boys crashed there instead of going home. But he knew that they would wind up sleeping there, it happens all the time! 

Max entered the living room, shaking his head and chucking quietly to himself at the sight. Jay and Siva were cuddled up on the sofa, while Tom was sprawled out on the floor, mouth wide open and snoring slightly. Max continued on to the kitchen to take some painkillers for his still-aching head. No sign of Nathan... He thought, as he finished the last bit of water. He got up, placing the cup in the sink, and walked out of the kitchen and back up the stairs to see if Nathan was in his room.

"Nath?" He asked as he lightly knocked on the door. There was no answer, so he just opened the door to see that Nathan was nowhere in sight. "Nath?" He called again, this time entering the room. He checked the bathroom, still no sign of Nathan. Must've went for a walk... Max thought to himself. Walking out of the room, he closed the door behind him and went back into his own bedroom and picked his phone up off the nightstand. He unlocked the phone, and came across Nathan's contact. He pressed 'call' and let the phone ring. 

'The number you have reached is not available right now. Please leave a message after the tone.'

Max sighed. What if something bad happened to Nathan? No, no... Nathan's careful, he wouldn't let anything happen to him...

Or so he thought.


Hiya! Okay, so this is just basically a filler, but sorry it's so short!

I'm currently with my family for my birthday, and I'm extremely bored because my cousin fell asleep on me. (boo -.-)

So I just decided to update for you to relieve this boredom of mine ;P

But anyway, I bid you all a farewell! (For now :3)

Love you peeps!

-K :)))))))))

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