Tidbit #3

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You can sort of fit the seven sins into each boss before Gacha Moon (excluding Yume).


They all fell into corruption because they gave into the sins that tempted them.

Pirate Jessie - Sin of Greed

Even her boss fight points this out as she became overly greedy for treasure, so not much explanation needed here.

Yandere Kuku - Sin of Lust

Technically, it's love. But the temptation of getting with her Senpai can be considered somewhat similar to lust.

Luna - Sin of Wrath

Also pointed out in her boss fight as her attack is called "Wrath of Luna". You could say she was consumed by rage towards the creator for "killing" her friends.

Kilios - Sin of Pride

"Fastest speedrunner in the world"? High ego? Checks out. But he also had pride in Xkour's former glory, that's why he wanted to build a world of his desires (the former Xkour) in the first place.

Sylph - Sin of Sloth

Didn't want to see nor even recover Elementia because she doesn't want to deal with the damage and the state she believes it's in, preferring to stay in a sweet dream than face that reality since it's so much easier.

Yume - No sin

Yume doesn't have one because she was possessed by Akumu and any damage she did (which really only is attacking the summoner) can't really be faulted on her behalf. In fact, she was probably "corrupted" for the least amount of time, so there's no way to really determine any sin on her.

DJ Phantom - Sin of Envy

He was disgusted by the humans for their rejection of classical music, envious that other DJs are getting more fame because they just so happened to play that "disgusting" music. He wanted people to appreciate and admire his classical music again. In short, he was envious that he lost his fame to other DJs.

Nova Blade - Sin of Gluttony

However this gluttony is not food based, it's more on consumption. What he craved was being a hero that consumes all other evil (all other factions) into his yellow faction. You could say it's a form of greed, but to consume more than you really need just to be satisfied leans more toward gluttony.


Yeah, the two after Yume may have been more of me filling in the gaps but the rest before Yume really seem to fit the sins. It's like they wanted to do something with that but mid way through realized that they can't fit the last few sins so they just dropped the idea.

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