Thoughts & HC: Guardian Attire

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I couldnt decide if this was a thought (regarding the guardians choice of garments to bring to battle) or a headcannon (how I think the guardians would fight). So, I said, why not both.

I actually first typed this out in a YouTube comment in response to someone commenting about how the guardians (and the general population of Gacha World) seem under protected for battle.


It is true that the guardians seem mostly unprotected.

However, consider this: Xkour, even though it has elements of fighting, is a racing/parkour game at its core.

So, it makes sense that most of the guardians (and players) ditch the protective garments to weigh lesser and run faster. So if anything, Inferno, Vale, and Kilios seem to fit into Xkour more than Frost and Gwen.

(And I can understand Gwen since she's more cautious on the fighting side, but Frost... I- do you really need all that accessories? I guess she just wants to clearly present herself as the Ice Guardian, and who am I to stop her?)


Although, there might be another thing we could consider: Their fighting styles are different.

Frost seems to lean more towards being a ranged mage/wizard type. So, she doesn't need to be that protected by armour since it wouldn't be common for her to be up close to the enemy. Plus, if the enemy is trying to get to her she can simply freeze them or freeze the path to her to cause her enemies to slip or avoid the ice and run away to a safe distance.

Inferno seems to be more of a martial artist. So just by raw strength alone, he can deal with his enemies. The only protective garment he really wears is his gloves and elbow guards, which is enough to protect his knuckles and elbows. Furthermore, with my headcannon of him having the skill to dodge like a madman, I dont think he'll get hit much.

Gwen is more protected because she's more of a warrior/knight type. She's going to get up close to her enemies to deal a deadly strike so she would want that extra protection. Although, I do think that maybe a helmet would help her.

Vale has more of an assassin motif. (She's not an assassin, but Assassin Vale does exist in Gacha Studio.) Being the Guardian of Darkness, I would assume she's more on stealth attacks and quick movements. Why would she need armour if it would not only slow her down and hinder her movements but also risk more noise being made?

Kilios is basically a glass cannon, and he knows it. The dude prioritizes speed over everything else. So that already explains why he wouldn't wear any sort of armour. Also, I doubt he would need it anyway once he is done charging into his enemies and obliterating them with his massive speed/momentum.


In conclusion, I think the guardians are equipped enough to handle fights in their own ways.

Also, considering that they mainly stay in Xkour, I doubt they'd end up in any uncontrolled violent/deadly battles.

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