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It was a day like any other, and the cod in the Cod Empire were peacefully swimming around in the Cod Wall and lakes of the empire. Jimmy was sitting on his dock, swinging his legs back and forth, sure that nothing could go wrong. 

"Get outta here!" The blonde exclaimed as he spotted a salmon, trying to shoo it away.

Well, maybe some things. For one, there were salmon all over the lakes, and a few even in the cod walls. The cod suspected that it was fWhip, the count of the Grimlands and the Cod Empire's greatest enemy. Also teamed with the salmon, which the Codfather found ridiculous. 

Ever since the two could remember, everything seemed to be a competition for them, and not in a friendly way. Who can build better? Competition. Who has a better sanctuary for their fish? Competition. It went on and on.

But after shooing away all the salmon, the Codfather still felt something off

Something wasn't right, and it wasn't the salmon. Jimmy got up and walked around his empire, and sure enough, something out of the ordinary was definitely there. A nether warped red, corruption-like vine was there, and it was climbing its way up a tree. Something about it told the cod this wouldn't be the last time he would see this. But anyway, he tugged on it, trying to pull it off. Unluckily, the cod failed. The vine was strong, and he had to unsheathe his sword to cut through it. It could be that Jimmy wasn't very strong, or the vine was just that tough.

"I should probably tell the others about this," Jimmy mumbled to himself

But before the cod could do anything, someone almost crash landed in the Cod Empire. Jimmy rolled his eyes, it's as if he could sense him by now. 

"Ugh, what do you want, fWhip?" Jimmy said, annoyed

"What do I want? The only reason I came here to this stinky empire was to ask you what the heck you want!" The count complained



The two argued like little brothers for quite some time, til Jimmy finally stopped

"Fine then, what did I do?" The cod asked fWhip

"You know what you did. This one is just annoying!"

Jimmy glared at him, not knowing what he was talking about

"THIS." fWhip said angrily, holding up a vine. The same warped red as the one Jimmy had seen in the tree not very long ago. "It's all over my empire!"

"What?" Jimmy said, half in shock "That wasn't me fWhip, honest!" He said

"Yeah, and I definitely believe you." fWhip replied sarcastically

Jimmy showed him the warped red vine he got from the tree earlier, and fWhip held his up to it. They were definitely from the same thing, or same person, whatever it was.

"Huh. I just thought you pranked me, you actually didn't this time. I saw some over at Joel's and thought it must have been a prank, but Joel can be Joel sometimes." fWhip said, and when he realized he was talking to Jimmy, he cleared his throat, and acted like that didn't happen without arguing for once.

"Welp, I'ma get outta here." fWhip said, shooting a rocket back to the Grimlands

"This can't be good, can it?" Jimmy asked himself, glancing at the vine,


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 07, 2023 ⏰

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