The heart

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I woke up with the largest headache I had ever had. While I am still experiencing the pain, I hear my mom call me. "Keeky!!"
"Yes," I said in a loud voice. My head was still throbbing and the words forever echoed in my head. My sister Aria
looked at me from her bed next to mine and smiled. "It's time for summer camp."
This summer camp was different than others where I live. It was really big and had a competing camp. The competing camp was 'Camp Apollo' , the camp for people who don't want to go to 'Camp Calypso' , the camp I go to. I think they both are great camps though.
"Coming!"I yelled down. "Keeky, how many times have I told you to stop waking up so late?"
"Sorry I slept through my alarm."
She continued yelling at me and told me to go get my bags because today was summer camp day!
I go back upstairs and grab my bag. I look at my Percy Jackson book on my nightstand. I love the books so much.
I walked out onto the porch and saw my best friend Titus walking out too. I've been told that he has a crush on me, but I don't believe that for a second. I've always thought of him as a brother. We're pretty much the two best friends that are inseparable
"Hey Keeky," he shouts out loudly. "Hi, are you excited about summer camp?"
"Yeah I am." I looked at him and watched as he put his bag in the car.
We would carpool every summer for summer camp. It was so much fun. We were very similar. We had the same birthday, the same interests and same classes. He is a clear six inches taller than me and blonde with firry amber eyes and tan skin with light freckles. He is pretty much every girl in my school crush. I however am 5'1 brunette with Light green gray eyes and pale skin. I don't think that I can get any boys. But Titus says that all of the boys like me. I wouldn't think so. But I am always the quiet girl in the back that sits next to the popular boy that everyone loves. Nah! I'm just kidding, I'm one of the popular girls but I mostly hang out with Titus and his friends.
I ran over and hugged him. He was one of the best people I've ever met. "I've missed you so much," he laughs in my ear. Before letting go. I looked across the street to see the kid who locked me in a closet with Titus. The chance that she took a picture of us hugging is very high. I was in Nevada last week for two days. So was the kid. My mom made us hang out.
My sister had a huge crush on Titus. She gave me the death glare when walking out. The you back off before I kill you kind of death glare. I know to back off because she may have been smaller than me but she could probably kill me if she really wanted to. "Hey Titus," she said, winking at him. My sister was a year younger than me and she was 11. I was her 12 year old sister who she hated with all of her heart. I don't know why she hated me or any details on how she started her passion for hating me but she does. She wasn't as tall as me, she was 4'9. She had light brown hair with pure white money pieces. She has crystal blue eyes. People say that she is an angel with those eyes. She was not fun to be around. Let alone listen to her talk about her ten boyfriends.
He walked up to her and shook her hand. He knew that she liked him at the time. I then looked at my mom walking out and asking us if we were ready to go. My mom was a kind tall woman with jet black hair and brown eyes. We said yes, got in the car and started driving. It was an hour drive to the camp but we didn't mind. The whole time we were singing show tunes and poking each other out of boredom. My mom ended up having us sing her some songs. I sat there and sang my heart out. With every last word. I knew things never lasted forever. My sister admittedly sounds like a dying cow.
Once we arrived at camp we were greeted by several counselors. We
went to our cabin. Me and Titus were always in cabin three and my sister was always in eleven. Cabin three was for horseback riders. Cabin eleven was beauty and magic. Most of them were pretty much like Aphrodite's minions. After we settled in we went outside. The camp was one of the most beautiful camps on earth.
My crush (Gavin) was a boy who was 5'5 and looked like a model in my eyes. He could choose any girl wanted because everyone liked him. Titus knew the kid and was friends with him. After telling him I had a crush on Gavin I told him not to tell him. He said he wouldn't. I always knew that I could trust him. We've been best friends since kindergarten. We've never not trusted each other. I know a lot more about him than anyone else.
He likes me of course. He likes football, and horses. He likes eating popcorn and rootbeer. He loves going to California with me. We go pretty much every summer. I have a four story luxury house on the beach.
I walked out and was immediately informed by the counselor of my cabin, Sage, to prepare for a summer dance that they hold at the end of every summer. I loved dances at summer camp. I've only been to the campfire dances at camp Apollo. Those weren't very fun unless you got a nice partner. You had to be 12 and up to go. We went back and I told Titus I hoped Gavin would ask me. "You are such a daydreamer!" he said so quietly that it was barely audible. I just let out a nervous laugh and climbed into the top bunk of the bed. We've had the name 'Daydreamer' for me for so long. I try to sleep but it seems impossible. I sit there listening to the summer rain. Looking out at the riptide. I knew how much I loved water, but I couldn't swim. I walked out of the cabin to find a girl about my age. "Hi, do you mind if I sit here?" I ask the girl. "No I don't." She said. "You must be Keeky?" she said. "You're quite the talk of the town. You do know that Gavin likes you? He is planning on asking you to the dance tomorrow."
"Wow um that's a lot. What's your name?" I ask.
"Amersya Sterling, Atlas Sterlings sister." She says. A Sterling sibling I think. I've never met them but they're parents are high ranking people. I've never even seen Atlas but he is a thirteen year old boy who I consider 'untouchable' he can get any girl he wants in minutes. But I noticed her pale sea green eyes. She has blonde curly hair like her mom. And a tall slim build like her dad. She was a California girl if it wasn't for her eyes.
"You might have met him before." Amersya says hopefully. "No, my sister has." I say. It's true she literally fell off a horse onto him. It wasn't fun for her but they know each other and joke about it sometimes. "Well I'm going to go back to my cabin. It's nice meeting you!" I say. I got up and walked back to my cabin. I had to be so quiet I looked and saw that it was ten thirty.
I sat there hoping that I would fall asleep soon. But it took a minute before I actually started getting tired. I put on a pair of headphones and play the song Ophelia. I feel all of my old memories come back. I sit there listening and playing old memories. One of me and Titus dancing in the rain. One of the last day of fifth grade. When I hung upside down in a tree I was holding on to my shirt for dear life. I loved those days. But they're gone and I need to let them go. But sometimes when I can't keep up with the future I look at the past. My first horse, a pony that I got for christmas. I said goodbye to him earlier this year because we sold him. I think that fate is real. I mean everything happens for a reason right? That's when I hear the word Daydreamer and fall asleep. I wake up in the middle of the night with Aria poking me. "Come on, wake up, Keeky."
"No thanks."
"Keeky come on!"
"No. Wait, how many people are looking at me in my current state of sleepiness?"
"Only twelve."
"Holy crap! How did you manage that?"
"She got me in on it." Said Sage. I sat there trying to figure out what was going on. That's when I remembered that this happened every year. It was the annual camp trade. This is when ten kids and two counselors go to the competing camp and put up the poster that they brought. Our posters were big and green with a diamond crest on it. I was always the person who did the tape there. Which would be watched in the morning. I got on the bus and sat next to Titus. He put his arm around me. I was wearing the camp calypso shirt and black pants.
"Wake up daydreamer!" Said Titus. "I'm up!" I say. I walk off the bus and get to where we're filming. "Go on Keeky! Show them what you're made of! Show them the Camp Calypso team." Says Titus, still smiling at me. "Lights, camara, and action!" Says Rachel and Sage in unison. "Hello, this is Keeky Elpis reporting live at Camp Apollo. I'm part of the camp Calypso team. I'm here to announce that there will be a formal ball at Camp Calypso goodbye and thank you for your consideration." I say in my best Effie Trinket voice. "Beautiful Keeky!" I see Rachel say to me. I walked around to collect my praise. Sometimes I feel like Camp Calypso's pride and joy. But that's because I am. I'm literally on the poster with Ophelia. I walk onto the bus, and take my seat. Titus sits next to me and puts his head on my shoulder, and I put my head on his.

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