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The next day he woke me up, I fell off the top bunk and he caught me. "Good morning," he said in his normal sweet soft voice. For a second there I felt butterflies in my stomach. He looked me in the eye and there was a moment when we were just staring at each other. "Better get ready, daydreamer." He said with a smirk. As I walked to the bathroom I questioned if I was falling for him. But then I reminded myself that he was just like a brother to me. I mean that's all I ever really thought of him. A lot of people wonder how I don't see him as more than a friend. But that's because I feel like he can do better than me. I looked at myself in the mirror. I then put on my Camp Calypso shirt and some black pants.
As soon as I walked into the cafeteria I saw Gavin with a big poster saying, Will you go to the dance with me Keeky? In bright big letters upon a poster. I stood there and had to think for a second. Before I ran up and hugged him in disbelief. He liked me back! "Yes. YES!" I squealed.
I looked back and saw Titus who had a grim expression on his face. I've never seen him with that kind of facial expression. He then walked outside with slumped shoulders. I told Gavin to hold on, then I ran after him. I found Titus, sulking next to a potted plant. I walked up to him and touched his shoulder. "Hey, you okay bro?" I said. He shrugged then brushed my hand off his shoulder. " Just go be with him." He said. He had never been like this. He never seemed like the person to get jealous.
"Uhm okay.." I said,walking out. I walked back inside and sat down. I always sat at the table with the popular kids. Over the rest of breakfast Gavin wouldn't stop talking about me and how perfect I was. "Come on Keeky you're just so perfect," he said in a flirtatious voice. Titus looked like he was about to kill Gavin. I've seen him on the verge of killing someone before.  Afterwards, I went to look at the dress options and saw one that looked like Katniss Everdeen's wedding dress but in hunter green and I chose it immediately. It didn't have the silver wings. But it was covered in gems of different greens, blues, and grays. When I got back to the cabin I saw Gavin. He walked over and got down on one knee and kissed my hand. I've never had that happen before. Right as Titus walked by, Gavin got back up. I got back to my room soon after and plopped on my bed. The prom was at the end of the week and my birthday was in two days. Titus said that he was excited about us both turning 13 and I said yea. Gavin was already 13 but his birthday was not too long ago. I said hi to my favorite camp counselor Rachel. "Hey Keeky!" She said with a smile. "How's the date to the dance?" She said, elbowing me in a friendly way.
"Gooood!" I Said.
"So excited."
After we said our goodbyes I got ready for bed and said good night to Titus. As I was hugging him, I said, "love you, good night."
He immediately looked up at me and said "love you too." I couldn't sleep that night thinking  about the words sitting in my mind. We both fell asleep soon after in our cabins. In the morning I fell down again and Gavin caught me and said hello. I said hi back and we went to the cafeteria for breakfast. "I'm so excited for your birthday!" He said.
Within no time someone had posted on the camp update board that me and Gavin were going to the dance together. We were all the camp was talking about. It seemed so perfect. That day we were touring around the city on these big buses, checking out all the gift shops and museums. Before long I fell asleep on Gavin's shoulder. Once we were done with the tour he woke me up and said "you're so beautiful even in your sleep." Me and Titus got in a fight about it later on, after the field trip about me and Gavin. "Why do you care so much about Gavin?!" I exclaimed.
"I just don't want you to hurt! He's a nice guy but come on he's like showing you off like a damn trophy!" Titus retorted.
"Good night." I angrily said, pushing past him into my cabin. When I climbed into my bunk I fell asleep almost as soon as my head hit the pillow. I woke up the next morning in another cold sweat with the words forever throbbing in and out of my head. I decided to ignore it and get out of bed. When I walked in the dining hall I saw a huge surprise party for me and Gavin. I walked in with Titus and was shocked at the sight. They said that we were too important to not celebrate. I said how much I loved it, while sitting with Gavin. After the breakfast surprise me and Titus went on a swimming activity together. The whole kayak was wobbling as Titus and I jokingly splashed water at each other. We were making jokes and laughing at them. If I could've frozen that moment then I would've. But that's when the kayak flipped over.

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