A letter to little me

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Dear little me,

I know you've been asking yourself

Why you are so sad and alone

Why you feel so broken inside

And no one seems to notice

Why life has to be so painful

What is wrong with you

I want you to know

Nothing is wrong with you

It's okay to cry and ask for help

It's okay to feel all of that

You are not crazy

Your feelings are valid

And they are going to teach you so much

I know you found refuge into writing

It's so amazing that you found a way

To express yourself through art

Thanks to that,

You'll never stop and become a writer

I am so proud of you

You never gave up on hope

Despite of all your tears

You kept your heart open and warm

Wishing on better days

Wanting to become a better person

And willing to build a better world

Instead of letting it turn you cold

You can be so proud of you

For you are becoming

A strong and determined woman

And you are making

All of your dreams come true

Because you never gave up

I am here now

And you might not see it yet

But all this time

All the time you thought you were bleeding

You were only blooming

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