Chapter 1 - Welcome to Hogwarts

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The bluenette opened her eyes with a start, where was she? The girl looked across from and saw her blonde friend just opening her eyes. What could be going on?
"Levy? Why does it feel like we're on a train?!" The blonde asked frantically.
Levy looked out of the window, the sun was shining and all around her were green hills.
"Maybe we're going on a job and forgot about it." Levy rationalised.
"Oh! Of course... But where are the others?-" Lucy was interrupted by an opening to their compartment.
Standing there was a girl with scarlet hair.
"Hello. Have you two seen a pink haired boy and a probably naked boy?" The girl asked.
"Erza! Are you talking about Natsu and Gray?" Lucy asked her, oblivious to the robes her friend was wearing, but well aware of how much younger she looked.
"How do you know my name?" Erza snapped quickly. "And how do you know about my friends?"
Lucy's eyes widened in shock and she looked at Levy, who just shook her head. The two girls were as confused as each other.
"Oh I just heard things..." Lucy covered.
"Things? What things?" Erza asked.
"Well in that case it's a pleasure to meet you... I'm sorry what are your names?" Erza asked, her expression no longer hostile.
"I'm Levy, Levy Mcgarden!" Levy smiled kindly, as if meeting someone new.
"I'm Lucy Heartfilia." Lucy smiled too.
"It's an honour Levy, Lucy. I hope we can be friends." Erza beamed and began to leave the compartment, turning around quickly she added, "By the way I advise the two of you to change into your robes, I suspect that we will be arriving soon."
Once Erza had left Lucy and Levy exchanged a few seconds of panicky eye contact.
"Lu... What the heck is going on? Why does Erza look younger? Why do we look younger?"
"I don't know, but I do know one thing : Erza is a terrible actress. She isn't trying to trick us..." Lucy stated.
Levy stood up and took something from her overhead compartment. A few seconds later there was a case on the rest of the seat. She rummaged inside of it and found plain robes.
"Look..." She began, holding up the robes and pointing to the crest on the pocket.
Lucy looked at it in shock. "Hogwarts..." She whispered.
"Well we wanted to go..." Levy mumbled.
"But I never imagined it would ever be possible and if everyone else doesn't remember us like Erza... Oh my gosh what if nobody remembers anything about the real world? What if they've all forgotten about the guild?!" Lucy panicked.
"Calm down, it'll be okay. We should put on our robes for now and then figure out what exactly is going on." Levy reassured.
Then Lucy got up, pulled the blind on their compartment window and pulled down her own suitcase. If they were going to hogwarts, they may as well try to look the part.

Wendy Marvell was nervous as she tried to look for a compartment. It was lucky when she stumbled upon one with just three girls, but one looked her age.
"Um... Hello... Do you mind if I sit in here?" She asked timidly.
The two older girls looked at her and smiled slightly but the younger one got up and held out her hand.
"Of course you can! My name is Chelia!"
Wendy took the girls hand and shook. "I'm Wendy... It's nice to meet you!"
Then the train jolted and both of the girls fell over.
"Wow cuz, it looks like you've found someone just like you!" The older girl, Sherry joked making her friend Jenny laugh.
"Judging by these two, the new first years are going to be a clumsy bunch!" The blonde girl, Jenny teased.
Chelia grinned at Wendy from the ground and then rolled her eyes at the other two, she was thankful to have a friend.

The four friends sat in their train compartment eating bertie botts every flavor beans.
"Come on Ever! Just try another one!" Bickslow encouraged.
"No thank you. After that last one..." Evergreen shuddered. "I am not risking my taste buds anymore horror."
"How come you keep getting all of the good flavours anyway?" Laxus asked Freed.
"Because I am good at choosing." Freed smirked.
"Hmph" Laxus frowned, it quickly turned into a smile when he saw all of the faces his friends were making at him. "Come on, Evergreen you know how I feel we've had the worst luck."
Evergreen rolled her eyes, while Bickslow took two beans out of the box and threw it into the mouths of his whining friends, Freed just smiled as he ate his strawberry and cream flavoured bean.

"Oh my!" Mirajane giggled at the sight of Gray and Natsu beating each other senseless. The two boys had been brawling in the compartment of the Strauss siblings to hide from the monster Erza.
"Natsu! Stop it!" Lisanna tugged at his shirt hopelessly.
"Real men would settle it without violence!" Elfman roared.
The two boys ignored the siblings and continued to tug and scratch at each other. They were so focused on the other that they didn't notice the Strauss siblings go silent, or hear the compartment door open.
"There you are." Erza Scarlet growled furiously.
Natsu and Gray looked at each other in desperation and clung to each other tightly.
"It was nice knowing you man!" Natsu squeaked.
"You too buddy." Gray whispered.
And then a fist landed on each of their faces and they were out cold.
Lisanna and Mira dragged the boys up onto the seats and Erza sat down.
"Must you always go to such extreme measures Erza?" Mira asked with a sly grin.
"Yes, otherwise we'd be suffering for the rest of the journey." Erza replied.
"I've never understood why they fight so much..." Lisanna frowned, moving Natsu's hair away from his eyes.
"I suppose something happened when they were little. I don't remember whatever it is." Erza sighed.

The new first years sat in the boats on the way to hogwarts. The beauty of the black lake, starry sky and castle bewitched them all. Nobody could contain their excitement as they arrived at hogwarts...


I've had the idea for this in my head for months and have most of it mapped out, I'm pretty excited to see how it turns out. The difficult part is of course writing it to make it interesting and do the characters justice, but I'll do my best!
Just to let everyone know, the magic that has made this happen has also altered the ages of characters. I've made most of them first years, so you can watch them grow as they go through hogwarts and for the sake of friendships, relationships and classes.
I hope you enjoy this!

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