Chapter 4 - Classes

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The first class of the year was the same for all of the first years : defence against the dark arts. It was a class many were looking forward to as it was known as a fun lesson with one of the best teachers - Professor Clive. When all of the students had arrived, professor Clive had told them all to stand at the back of the classroom.
"Hello first years, my name is professor Clive!" He grinned at everyone who stood excited. "As today is our first lesson we won't be doing too much but I do want everyone to get to know each other so get in to groups of four, but there has to be one of each house in every group."
Sounds of protest were heard but they were only silenced. "Come on its your first day, you've not even had a chance to hate the other houses yet!"
Nobody moved so professor Clive resorted to grouping people himself.
"Okay now that we're in groups were going to begin the year by learning the knockback jinx, does anyone know the name of it?" Professor Clive glanced at his daughter - Cana. He was sure she knew the answer as he had told her many times but she didn't look responsive.
A Ravenclaw, Laki Olietta, was the first to raise her hand so the professor chose her to answer. She guessed right saying flipendo and earned Ravenclaw ten points.
"Today you're all going to be doing that jinx."
Everyone gasped in shock, a spell on their first lesson? Would they be able to do it?
With a wave of his wand, professor Clive had created a huge space in the room by moving all of the table and there was soft cushions all around the walls.
"In your groups you're going to practice flipendo on objects and at the end, I'll let the best come to the front and whoever performs the most successful flipendo will earn their house 25 points."
Everyone seemed eager and excited to start and before long flipendos were being attempted all around the room, none were successful at first.
Lucy Heartfilia stood awkwardly with her group consisting of Natsu, Juvia and Gray. None of them were acting how she was used to. Gray and Natsu were bickering more than usual and Juvia didn't seem to be obsessing over Gray. But the worst thing was, none of them were acting like her friends. Lucy came to the conclusion that she had to remake friends with them.
"Hey Juvia!" Lucy smiled.
"Oh hello..." Juvia stopped to think. "Lucy?"
"Yes I'm Lucy."
Lucy spoke to Juvia in between practicing flipendos, relearning things about the bluenette and then moved on to Gray.
"Hi Gray, how come you and Natsu always fight?" Lucy asked, wanting to know what sort of memories Gray had.
"I dunno. He's annoying?"
Professor Gildarts announced that Mavis Vermillion was the first to perform a successful flipendo earning her 5 points for Gryffindor.
Next, Lucy decided to try and befriend Natsu.
"Oh hey... Loony is it?" Natsu asked.
Lucy felt her heart sink briefly before turning angry.
"It's Lucy."
"Oh okay well hi then... I noticed you can't do the spell." Natsu said a matter-of-factly.
"You're one to talk!" Lucy scowled.
"I'm pretty sure I'm doing better than you." Natsu teased
And with that Lucy flicked her wand and uttered 'flipendo' and Natsu was sent flying across the room.
Everyone stopped and looked between Lucy and Natsu, watching them while tension was thick in the air.
Natsu slowly got up and walked over to Lucy, who was feeling immense guilt. She had meant to show Natsu that she was strong but not by using the jinx on him. She had hurt her friend. Natsu stopped in front of her with a serious expression on his face. The classroom was silent.
"Lucy." He began, then suddenly his expression turned into a smile. "That was awesome! But not on me next time, okay?" He held out his hand and she took it they shook hands and Lucy felt sadness inside. Natsu was her best friend and he didn't remember.
She smiled through the sadness. "I'm sorry Natsu."
"It's fine Luce!"
That made Lucy freeze, it was something only he had called her in the past... Getting to know him again would be difficult.

Later in the day the Gryffindors and Hufflepuffs had herbology, while the Slytherins and Ravenclaws had history of magic. Followed by charms with the Gryffindors and Ravenclaws, while the Hufflepuffs and Slytherins had transfiguration. Many friendships had been formed, with other houses and within own houses and thankfully none of the first years had gotten homework yet. In herbology Lisanna had been fussing over Natsu, after the events that had taken place in defence against the dark arts, but he assured her that he was fine. Juvia Lockser couldn't stop thinking about a certain slytherin and Erza Scarlet was slightly confused. She had made friends with a boy named Jellal who was in her defence against the dark arts group and Mira was with her too, however Erza had also made her first enemy. A slytherin, Minerva Orlando. Minerva seemed to just genuinely dislike Erza from the start which the scarlet haired witch didn't understand.
Levy Mcgarden had been in a group with Gajeel and it was embarrassing for her to say the least, Jet was also in her group and Levy noticed that he seemed to be taking a liking to her, she had hope that all of her old friendships could be rebuilt. Levy noticed that Gajeel seemed to be a slightly nicer, more talkative version of himself. He was also younger, like everyone else and Levy couldn't deny that Gajeel looked quite cute. But she would never admit it out loud. Elfman Strauss was in a group with Evergreen and they had set off by arguing, much to the annoyance of the other two in the group - Bickslow and Freed.
Lucy still felt terrible for using her magic on Natsu. She never ever wanted to hurt her friends and hated the way that this new magic made her - despite the fact that it was an accident.

When dinner time came and all of the students were in the hall, everyone ate all they could since they were exhausted from the first day. The Gryffindor table was the loudest, filled with jokes and laughter. The Hufflepuff table was full of people smiling and talking about many different things. The Slytherins ranged from teasing each other and the other houses, to discussing serious topics and the Ravenclaws were gossiping and smiling. Jellal had struck up a friendship with Meredy, in his opinion she was the only one he needed to bother with from Ravenclaw. Jellal thought that she was funny and sweet, he wouldn't mind being her friend. Lucy and Levy were talking about their situation in hushed voices. The decided the library would be their best bet and made it their personal goal to read every single book that could possibly help them. The two girls were irked at the lack of wind reader glasses in this world. The pair decided that they would begin their mission the next day.

As there are so many characters involved, I won't get to focus on them all as much as I wish I could. I will be focusing on the main fairy tail characters, but weaving in some of my other favourites at random points in the story.

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