Chapter 4- How it All Ended... or Started Part 3

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The prom was going smoothly so far, Danny and Danniette were having a lovely time. But Drew wouldn't stand for that. Hatching up a terrific plan, Drew started rubbing his hands together deviously again. As Danniette danced jollyly with Danny, Drew located her bag, and stole her phone deviously. He didn't know Danniette's password, but this problem was easily solved as in middle school Drew looked like every generic blonde girl ever, except with a luscious beard ( this is true I went to middle scho with Drew). Danniette's face ID recognised Drew's face, and her phone unlocked. Drew went onto Danniette's TweetTweeter and Twittered; " Bang energy fucking sucks, and only idiots believe there's actually a monster in the Sharer family's pool".
As soon as the Twitter was Twitted, Danniette's phone started blasting with comments, most of them being insults and death threats.
Drew smirked, but this was only half the plan...
Drew left to the bathroom, pulling a razor out of his pocket. He shaved his silky blonde beard locks off, and put them in a plastic bag. He then walked back out to the party, concealing the baggie of beard hairs in his pocket. He looked for Danniette's allocated seat for the prom dinner, and sprinkled the hairs onto her seat.
The prom dinner then started, and Danniette sat right on the beard hairs. Once everyone had eaten their dinners, people started gradually getting up and dancing again. When Danniette stood up, ready to go back to dancing, her classmate Collins yelled, " HOLY SHIT DANNIETTE'S PUBES JUST FELL OFF". In that moment everyone turned to look. It did infact look like her pubed had fallen off. Everyone stared for a good minute, and then started hysterically laughing at Danniette. Danniette ran off, covering her face in embarrassment, Danny tried to follow, but Drew pulled him back down and said " Don't. She needs some time alone.".

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