Goku and Caulifla's starting point

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After some time passed with a lot of training from the great martial artist Gohan, Goku and Caulifla grew to be strong fighters themselves. Though a terrible tragedy happened to their grandfather which left them on their own, and they always did everything together in order to survive.

Goku: Ahhh, it's morning...

Caulifla: Quit being so loud Goku. We just woke up.

Goku: I know, but I wanna eat something.

Caulifla: Then let's go fishing you big baby.

Goku: Huh? I'm not a baby, we're both kids.

Caulifla: Just shut up and let's go already.

To Goku he seemed to have a brother and sister relationship with the fellow Saiyan child. And Caulifla felt the way as well, always having to make sure Goku didn't hurt himself or get himself killed. Always watching after like a sister truly would.

Goku: I'm gonna catch some big fish for sure!

Caulifla: I'll catch a bigger one!

Goku: We'll see!

Caulifla: Turn around.

Goku: What? Why?

Caulifla: I don't want you to see my butt, now turn around!!

Goku: What's the matter, it's just a butt Caulifla. BONK! Owww!!

Caulifla: Turn! Around!!

Goku: Okay okay.

Goku said rubbing his head and turning it the other way so Caulifla wouldn't be embarrassed.

Caulifla: (Stupid Idiot!)

Goku: (What's her deal? It's not like she turns away when my butt is out.)

Within a few seconds Caulifla dipped her tail in the water to attract the fish. She felt a little nibble at her tail and then yanked it out.

Caulifla: Haha! I got a big one!

Goku: Okay now it's my turn.

Goku said pulling down his trousers and dipped his tail in the water.

Caulifla: ...You're not gonna catch a bigger fish than me.

Goku: Just wait and see.

It was a short minute, but Goku then felt a little tug on his tail and quickly pulled a slight more huge fish out the water.

Goku: Hahahaha! Mine is bigger than yours!

Caulifla: Now way!!

Goku: Yep, my fish is bigger than yours is.

Caulifla: You cheated!

Goku: How'd I cheat?

Caulifla: Your tail must've been more tasty then mine was.

Goku: Our tails our the same Caulifla, there's nothing different about them.

Caulifla: Whatever, let's go get the fire wood already.

Later on the two Saiyan children were rolling down the hills on two huge wheels of wood.

Goku: Hahaha! Try to keep up Caulifla!

Caulifla: Try saying that when I'm not behind you!

Caulifla replied moving and rolling a bit faster than Goku was while moving way ahead of him.

Goku: Waaaah!!

Caulifla: Eat my dust Goku!

She said racing back all the way to Mt Paozu. Which they then eventually made it back too.

Goku X Caulifla origins Where stories live. Discover now