Goku vs Giran

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After the round of Nam and ranfan, the final match of the quarterfinals between Goku and Goran was about to begin.

WT Announcer: Now let's get the match started, the winner of this match shall continue on and go into the semifinals to face Nam. Ladies and gentleman, Goku and Giran!!

Oolong: Oh yeah, that's our boy! Get em Goku!

Bulma: Hey, who's Giran?

Puar: C'mon Goku! You've got this!

As the match was beginning, a huge monster like creature stepped out into the ring and let out a giant roar.

Oolong: Oh wow, he's just a monster. Well then we've got nothing to worry about.

As soon as he said that, Goku came running into the ring getting excited about his fight.

Goku: Hehehehehe! Hi everyone! My name's Goku!

Caulifla: Knock him down Goku!!

Caulifla yelled from the crowd.

Giran: Heh...(This kid doesn't stand a chance against me.)

WT Announcer: Now, fighters ready?

The announcer asked as both fighters took up their stance ready for battle.

WT Announcer: Begin!! Hm, huh?

Suddenly the announcer felt a liquid droplet fall on his face, when he looked up he saw storm clouds with rumbling thunder as it was most likely starting to storm. Since the tournament 'was' in broad daylight the crowd scampered and ran to find some shelter.

WT Announcer: Hey uhh director, should we pause the fight for right now with how the weather is?

WT director: Bark!

Since the director was a dog, that's all he could speak but it was a bit easy for some others to understand him.

WT Announcer: Ladies and gentlemen, the fight as been postponed for the time being until the storm passes by.

Even though his announcement was enough for everyone to hear, Goku and Giran still stood in the ring still ready for battle anyway.

WT Announcer: You guys, your fight has been postponed until the storm passes by! Meaning you can't battle with each other until the weather is back to normal skies again!

Goku: ...

Giran: ...

Caulifla: Man, bummer...come on Goku! You don't wanna catch a cold out here!

Caulifla said running into the ring and grabbing him by the arm to find some coverage.

Goku: Hey, wait!!

Giran: Hmm...kid lucked out, at least for now...

As the time passed while the storm was still going on, Goku and the rest of the gang sat in the World Tournament's cafeteria.

Yamcha: You know, I'm actually glad it started raining. I have a bad feeling about that Giran guy Goku, something tells me he's not a fair fighter like you are.

Goku: You mean he's a cheater?

Yamcha: Yeah, at least it's a rumor I heard from someone in the elimination rounds. Keep your guard up around him. Just cuz you're strong doesn't mean he can't outsmart you.

Caulifla: Well if he does cheat, he's gonna be dealing with me!

Oolong: You don't have to worry about Goku you guys, I bet he could take that beast down with one hand tied behind his back.

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⏰ Last updated: May 19 ⏰

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