love in full bloom

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Deku had always admired Katsuki from afar. He was the most talented student in their class, with an explosive quirk that seemed to make everything he did look effortless. But he was also brash, arrogant, and quick to anger, and Deku was never sure how to approach him.

One day, as they were both leaving class, Katsuki tripped and nearly fell down the stairs. Deku reached out to steady him, and their hands touched for just a moment. It was a small gesture, but it sent a jolt of electricity through Deku's body.

Over the next few weeks, Deku found himself watching Katsuki more closely. He noticed the way Katsuki's eyes lit up when he talked about his favorite hero, the way his shoulders relaxed when he was around his closest friends. Deku realized that there was more to Katsuki than he had ever thought possible.

One afternoon, as they were training together, Katsuki lost his temper and lashed out at Deku. But instead of backing down, Deku stood his ground and challenged Katsuki to a match. They fought hard, but in the end, Deku emerged victorious.

As they caught their breath, Katsuki looked at Deku with newfound respect. "You're not as useless as I thought," he said grudgingly.

Deku smiled. "Thanks, Kacchan," he said. "You're not as scary as I thought, either."

From that moment on, Deku and Katsuki started spending more time together. They trained together, studied together, and even hung out outside of school. Deku found that Katsuki was actually quite funny when he wasn't trying to be intimidating, and Katsuki discovered that Deku had a fierce determination that he couldn't help but admire.

One night, as they sat together on the roof of the school, watching the stars, Katsuki leaned over and kissed Deku. Deku's heart skipped a beat, and he kissed him back with a passion he had never felt before.

Their relationship wasn't easy. They still fought, still struggled to balance their schoolwork with their time together, and still had moments of doubt and insecurity. But they also knew that they were meant to be together. They had found something special in each other, something that would last a lifetime.

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