eternal love

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Deku had always admired Katsuki's strength and determination, even if he sometimes found him intimidating. But as they spent more time together, Deku began to see a different side of Katsuki. He saw how fiercely Katsuki cared for his friends, how hard he worked to improve his quirk, and how he could be surprisingly gentle when he wanted to be.

One day, after a particularly intense training session, Katsuki collapsed from exhaustion. Deku was the first to reach him, and as he helped Katsuki sit up, their eyes met. In that moment, Deku realized that he had feelings for Katsuki that went beyond admiration.

Over the next few weeks, Deku found himself drawn to Katsuki in ways he couldn't explain. He wanted to be near him all the time, to hear his voice, to feel his touch. But he was too afraid to confess his feelings, worried that Katsuki would reject him or worse, laugh in his face.

One night, as they sat together in the common room, Katsuki turned to Deku and asked him a question that caught him off guard. "Hey, Deku," he said. "Do you like anyone?"

Deku's heart raced as he considered his answer. Should he tell Katsuki the truth, or play it safe? In the end, he decided to take a chance. "Yeah," he said softly. "I do."

Katsuki's eyes widened in surprise. "Who?" he asked.

Deku took a deep breath. "You," he said, looking directly at Katsuki. "I like you, Kacchan."

Katsuki's expression softened, and he reached out to take Deku's hand. "I like you too, Deku," he said. "I think I have for a while now."

Their first kiss was awkward and tentative, but it was also filled with a tenderness and longing that neither of them had ever experienced before. From that moment on, they were inseparable. They trained together, studied together, and explored their newfound relationship together.

Their journey was not without its challenges. They had to navigate the complexities of being in a same-sex relationship, deal with the disapproval of some of their classmates, and face their own fears and insecurities. But they also knew that they had something special, a love that was powerful and true.

As they stood together on the rooftop, watching the sun set, Deku took Katsuki's hand and squeezed it tightly. "I love you, Kacchan," he said.

Katsuki smiled. "I love you too, Deku," he replied. "Always."

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