John, Karkat, and You

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((Hey guys!! Please check out the JohnVris story I'm writing! Also, summer is coming so I will probably be writing more, yay!))


You wake up the next morning, with John practically laying on top of you. You blinked, shifting slightly and yawned.

John smiled, his eyes still closed. "Good...good morning Y/N.." He murmured in your ear. "What time is it..?"

You glanced over to the alarm clock flashing "12:00" in red. "I don't know." You replied, rubbing an eye. Storm cut of the power last night."

John's weight rolled off of you as he got to his feet, grabbing his glasses and sliding them on. He looked down at his phone. "8:57" he read out loud.

You sat up, pulling the shirt over your shoulders again. Damn shirt. It's waaaaay to big.

John giggled slightly, sitting beside you. "Sorry about that.."

You shrugged him off and looked away, standing. You rummaged around for your phone, realizing you forgot it in the bathroom. You went to retrieve it.

[Be John]

You are now the fangirling nerd-boy.

John say quietly, adoring Y/N, and her adorable charms. And she's scared of storms! Haha! How cute is that??! Karkat's gonna be so pissed when he finds out. Hehehehe.

[Skip to later today, at the mall]

[Be Y/N]

You walked silently, licking an ice cream cone, sharing your company with John and Karkat, one on either side of you.

John put his arm around you, smiling, and glancing back at Karkat. Who, enraged, silently cussed him out, and flips him off. This wasn't going for him at all. John was practically shoving Y/N in his face and he couldn't take it! I bet they already had sloppy make-outs! Fuck!

"Karkat! Hey!! Earth to KK??"

Karkat blinked, looking toward Y/N, who was calling him.

"Are you okay?? You kinda demolished your ice cream!"

He looked down at his hand, clenched so tight the cone was crushed and ice cream dripped to the floor. He sighed and threw it away in a near by trash can. "Yeah I'm fine.."

You watched him, a bit worried.

"Jeez, Karkat, nice going." John sneered. Making Vantas snap.

"You know what? Egfuck?? How about you leave us alone and go make-out with Dave or some shit? Because I know you've done it before!!"

You tried to stop them. "John-"

"Quit getting so pissy, Karkat, you're just jealous because Y/N likes me better."

Okay what??

"I...I am not!!"

"Haha, yes you are. You're sooooo jealous!"

"John Egbert I swear to god I will-"

You interrupted him with a swift movement. Smearing your ice cream in John's face and hair, then. turning and walking away, shoving Karkat as you do so.

They talk about you your some sort of treasure! John was being and asshole. And their fighting over you! This is shit. Complete. SHIT.

Discombobulated, John blinked in disbelief, watching, with his jaw hanging. The frozen vanilla treat dripping down his face and smudging his glasses.

Karkat was about to follow you, but, he made the right choice staying where he was.

You felt tears swell in your eyes as you started to run, and dialed your mom's phone number.

Both boys guiltily exchanged glances. Knowing that they couldn't take back what they just did.

Homestuck Middle School ~John X Reader X Karkat~Where stories live. Discover now